Am I the only one?

Am I the only one who cried for hours after watching this movie. I thought it was so sad. the letter that Adam had written to Carolyn at the end was so sweet. I just love this movie. It's one of my favorite romantic movies of all time!

{ - But WHY is the rum gone??? - } - The one, the only: Captain Jack Sparrow


No you aren't alone!
I cry my eyes out every time i watch this movie!
I usually manage to get to the bit with the records in the car and that's me gone!

Josh: Toby come quick. Sams getting his ass kicked by a girl
Toby: Ginger, get the popcorn


I love romantic films, and I normally cry at the end of every one. What I would like to know though, is if this movie is worth it? Coz I heard people saying how silly it is because of the whole having a baboon heart thing. But I wanna hear all of your prespectives before I make up my mind. If you all reccomend it, I'm off to to get the dvd for 5.99. Thanks in advance!

My user ID used to be Bexxx, Embraced_forever_in_darkness is my new one. Happy posting!


Absolutely, get it.

Every generation has its own favorite rromantic movies. We have Sleepless In Seattle and Untamed Heart (both 1993). I watch both whenever they hit cable. If I get a DVD player, I will certainly get both on DVD.

Watching Untamed Heart helped me figure out what "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega was about. A very strange song, to say the least.


What is "Tom's Diner" about? I love that song!

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS FILM! I agree with what someone said about films today trying to be funny. I think this film is so beautiful and subtle - unlike most films today.

SuzySDurden said about Christian Slater (Adam): "all I wanted to do was give him a hug and tell him everything would be ok" (or something to that effect).

Honey, I'd wanna do a lot more than that!! Woo-hoo!! He is HOT!!! If only there were real people like Adam...


If you've listened to the song, then you know what it's about. Or if you don't know, you know anyway. Obviously you know, if you've decided you love the song.

It took me two years of listening to that song (and others on her album) before I figured it out.

95% of it is about sitting in a diner having a cup of coffee. That's the boring part. Who the heck wants to listen to you drone on about that?

Then right in the middle of the last full verse:

Oh, this rain
It will continue
Through the morning
As I'm listening

To the bells
Of the cathedral
I am thinking
Of your voice...

And of the midnight picnic
Once upon a time
Before the rain began...

The subtle way Suzanne goes from the boring discussion about the diner, to what she's really doing - "thinking about your voice", makes this song so unique - and intensely romantic.

I finish up my coffee
It's time to catch the train

And that last half verse just accentuates the dazey feeling.

I always wonder - what the hell is a midnight picnic? Was that just llast night, or has the rain been going for days (like it does in the Eastern US / Canada)?



Thanks for that. I love the song but I don't hear it often and don't know the lyrics - that's why I wanted to know.

Don't you think it's appropriate that the lyrics (you wrote out) mention rain twice, when you take into account the whole rain/music stuff Adam talks about (i.e. the music he plays soothes him and stops the rain)?


Between the diner (restaurant) setting, and the rain, I wondered for a long time if the song was written for the movie.

But the album came out in 1987, and the movie was 1993, so that answers that.

But yes, it's a charming connection.


I have gone out with my boyfriend on a midnight picnic. We literally went on a picnic late at night. It is lots of fun & romantic since you are all alone & can gaze up at the stars while you dine.

~ Pynk Nymphette ~


I rented this movie, even though I don't like chick flicks (unusual for a 'chick' such as myself!) The clerk at the store told me that he liked this movie - and he was a man, between 20-25. As soon as it was available for purchase, I got myself a copy. I do admit, the tears start while I'm watching it. I've liked Christian Slater ever since I saw him in "The Legend of Billie Jean" and he was wonderful in this role. Marisa Tomei was also great in this movie.

I was happy that Caroline learned to distinguish a nice guy from a not-nice guy and got together with Adam after getting a chance to really know him. It was so painful to watch her lose him. One of my favorite scenes was when they were playing cards in the diner; it shows that everyone had learned to accept Adam and at the same time he was gaining the confidence to be around others.

I had the feeling that this was a modern day movie, even though Adam played old music. Their dance during "Try Me" (James Brown) was very touching and romantic.

As for the song in the beginning, I used to hear it when I would go out dancing, and since I would often be out very late and then awake till early Sunday, it would fit my mood. I could feel the woman's isolation.

-The Divine Ms Slim

"I make him an offer - he no refuse"


I cry throughout the entire movie. In the beginning, and when adam talks to her because it is so touching. He is very gentle. I cried when she was cutting his har and took him up to her room and he just cried in her arms, because he had never been with a women before.

This is such an underated movie but one of the best. It is a movie I will treasure for life.


When I saw this movie for the first time I believe I was 19 and I cried like a baby throughout and after this movie! I cried during the movie b/c Christian Slater's character was so sweet and innocent. Do guys in real life say these sort of things... probably not... but we can only imagine!

After he gives her a present on HIS birthday and Marissa Tomei hugs him and says "I have fallen..." and Slater says, "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" and she says, "No, I wasn't finished. I have fallen... so in love w/ you... so much more than I ever imagined I could." Oh that was too much!

And then of course the scene when he dies at the end of the movie in the car. She is all excited about the hockey game they just went to (his first hockey game ever) and they get home and she stops the car and says, "Wake up... Baby..." And they switch to a scene of just the outside of the car and her sobbing and you realize that he is dead. That scene breaks me up everytime.

The next scene is the funeral with the bible verse, "God maketh us to lie down in green pastures...." and then when Tomei goes to his apartment to open up the present he gave her before the hockey game. I bawled in that entire last 30 mins or so. Especially when she played the record he gave her with that haunting piano melody and pulled out a picture of the two of them taken when they went to buy her car and on the back she reads the message he wrote to her. I can't recall what it said now b/c it's been several years since I watched it, but it was heart-wrenching.

After I saw this movie for the first time, I just sat in my bedroom and thought about it and cried and cried. I don't think a movie has ever effected me like that before.

With that said, I'll have to watch it again sometime to remember those beautiful scenes again! :)


I could not believe how much this movie moved me. I was unable to speak or even breath after I watched it in 1993. My heart felt sick, happy, dead, and even overwelmed at the same time. I was shaddered when he died. It just wasn't fair. They were just starting out and he dies. That can make even the driest of hearts weep. You know when you cry so hard you think your life is over. That there can't be a tomorrow but then you find a reason to cry again tomorrow. I love to get that feeling from movies. It's wonderful to cry at movies. It gives you more life to live.
I believe all hearts are untamed until we meet our soulmate. That their heart combines with ours and we are tamed. All we are is one lost soul finding it's soulmate. Beautiful movie!

*Great Stroms Announce Themselves With A Simple Breeze*


Wow I can not agree more! The first time I saw this movie is when it came out on video back in 1993. I have been in love with this film ever since. It is my all time favorite movie and I know it word for word by heart. My friends hate watching with me because I talk along with it. I can't tell you how many times I have seen it. It would be imposible to keep track over these 11 almost 12 years. I can't believe its been that long. I first bought it on vhs and wore the tape out so bad that it would squeek whenever I played it. I now have the dvd and watch it alot. I am watching right now actually. :) I am a true fan of this movie. It is touching in the best sense of the word. I am also so exstatic to see there are other fans of this film. Not too many people I know have heard of it. :O Shocking, I know. This is a film I will always treasure as long as I live.


I enjoyed this movie but I cant say I cried through it. Why? Because he thinks he has a baboons heart? Im sorry but anything to do with babons isnt sad its funny. I liked Rozie Perez in it, and I though Marrisa Tomei was okay. Christian Slater was hot in it. Christian Slater is hot in everthing, except for The Contender. He was fugly in that.


the only reason i didn't cry was because i generally don't cry. i was really sad after seeing this film. i bought the dvd the next day after seeing it and i haven't stopped watching. i tend to stop the dvd before adam dies now because it's just too sad. i was so happy that adam said he had everything he'd wished for in his letter. it made it less bad that he died.

i read on another thread here that the baboon heart thing was based on a true experience of the writer. he's actually in the film. he plays ronnie, the guy whose dad owns a hardware store.


if you know it word for word/by heart you're exactly who i wanted to find on here! the vcr ate the tape right when she started to read what he wrote on the back of the picture and i'm having a heck of a time finding the script online. can you tell me what it says?


Not sure if anybody has already replied to your request for the letter's contents but here is what it read, "Dear Caroline, I don't need these anymore because all my wishes came true. I found you. So play them and think of me. I'll wish on Mars and think of you. I carry your heart with me. I'm not finished...I carry it in my heart."
In my opinion, this is one of the sweetest love stories ever (sigh). I'm so happy that I found it when I was 16. One of my favorite movies!


No you're not the only one. I thought Christian Slater was absolutely beautiful in this...very dark and thoughtfull.

I did have expectations of the film ending better than it did...but overall the chemistry between the two main characters made this work (there must have been chemistry on the set! Surely!)

I just never knew how gorgeous Christian Slater was really! :) Yeah, I'm a perv!


Yep, there is such chemistry between them. I think Christian went out briefly with Marisa (and he also went out with Rosie Perez - horny devil!).


yeah i did kinda. im not soppy at all when it comes to movies but first time i watched this a tear came to my eye.

An 80's movie is for life, not just for sleepovers


OK, I cried the first time I watched it. But I was drunk.

I caught it not long ago on TV and watched it again. It still brings a lump to my throat. Marisa Tomei's performance was really touching. Both she and Slater were able to carry off the story without veering off into sappiness.



I cried, and I don't normally cry at movies.
It's just everything about Adam, I would love to I'm sure most girls out there.

The ending teared me up.


Yeah, i totally have to agree with all of you. I cried. I never even heard of this movie until i caught it on tv the other day. After we saw that he had a bad heart i kept thinking "i really hope he doesnt die." He did, and suddenly i have a new found interest in Christian Slater. Hmm...


I saw this movie in the theater when it came out. I was with my girlfriend at the time, and it was difficult to hide the tears. I was truly moved, by this film, and I cry every time I see it on TV. It is something I can't explain; I guess I have a great deal of empathy for the characters, and the story. In someways, I guess I can identify with Caroline and Adam, and their struggles, in life and in love. Anyone who doesn't weep with this film, has no heart of their own, or a heart to give to another.



I think this is actually the first movie I ever cried to. (There has been many since then)
I saw it on a movie channel shortly after it's release and I was 13 at the time and had just hit puberty. In love for the first time and all that. It compleatly tore me apart.
I've been looking for it ever since and just found it now. It's pretty hard to find those old movies here in Sweden unless you can find it on some old broken second hand tape. I'm gonna watch it again tonight after 14 years of waiting.

"It's better to have a gun and not need it that to need a gun and not have it." -True Romance


Me too, I saw it when I was pretty young. I never cry for any movie but this one did really drive me really sad!


i saw the movie last night on one of those movie channels and was really moved by it. Nat King Coles version of "Nature Boy" was a perfect song for this film.The instumental version is what Adam plays. The vocal plays during the ending credits. Great film!


I'd seen bits and pieces of this movie until two nights ago. I caught the whole movie a few nights ago and I cried so hard when Adam died. I knew he was going to die but Adam and Caroline's love for each other was simple. Thet weren't concerned about how poor they were they just found each and they just loved each other. Her friends just didn't understand; Untamed Heart is officially my fave romantic room.


Nah, I cried when I saw it too. I saw it opening weekend (Valentine's 1993) on a double date in high school. The girl I was with that night was totally shocked that a guy would cry at a movie (my buddy who was with us was "too macho" to cry)...

I still cry when I see it though. It's just a tough ending to make it through when you have lost someone you care about so deeply and can relate to the characters...


it wasn't the scene where Adam passes away in the car that got me but rather the funeral scene when they pan in on his dog and he looks really confused. I know it sounds sappy, but in that moment you realize how others are affected by someone passing away too soon. Sad to say but I probably felt more sorry for his dog than for Caroline at that point.


I love this movie! It's one of the best and saddest love stories. Even though I've seen it several still makes me teary... :(


I haven't seen this movie since it came out on video. I was born with a congenital heart defect and had two open heart surgeries when I was 2 years old. As a child my older sister told me my scar was a zipper and that Mickey Mouse lived inside and would come out when I was sleeping, so this movie was almost too close to home. I remember balling my eyes out walking home from my friends house after watching it. I am a guy.
