MovieChat Forums > True Romance (1993) Discussion > Biggest "All-Star Cast" ever???

Biggest "All-Star Cast" ever???

Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Brad Pitt, Gary Oldman, Val Kilmer, Michael Rapaport, Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Chris Penn, Tom Sizemore, Victor Argo, James Gandolfini, Bronson Pinchot, Samuel L. Jackson, Saul Rubinek

I'm in no way saying this is the "best" cast ever, but when it comes to "star studded" (meaning that each of these actors I listed above have etched their names in the Hollywood landscape at one point in time), this movie has to be right up there, at least in my opinion.

Sooo, what I am asking is, can anybody come up with a better 'star studded' casted movie?

Can someone come up with a better one???

I am the eater of worlds!!!


Not a great film but Red Dragon deserves a nod for Anthony Hopkins, Ralph Fiennes, Ed Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Harvey Keitel, Bill Duke, Emily Watson.


Another bad film but Antz had...
Woody Allen
Sylvester Stallone
Gene Hackman
Christopher Walken
Sharon Stone
Danny Glover
Jennifer Lopez
Dan Ackroyd
Anne Bancroft
John Mahoney


But Samuel L. Jackson was only in it for like 1 minute.


You’ve never even heard of It’s A Mad, Mad World.


Oh man... that's reaching waaaay back. It was one of those movie marketed specifically on the breadth of its ensemble cast.

Someone else on this thread mentioned A Bridge Too Far. Same deal... all the PR was about the "who's who" cast. Some of the big actors were only in it for the few minutes it took to get their name on the marquis. I remember going to see it and it was like a game of Bingo... being the first who could spot the A-lister along the way.

I didn't go through this entire thread, but movies like Death on the Nile (original), Murder on the Orient Express (original), Clue fall into the same category, although they tended to be littered with more well known B-listers and the odd C-lister.


What's funny is this wasn't a star cast but more an 'up-and-coming' cast. Pitt, Rappaport, Arquette, Sizemore, Gandolfini, and Jackson were big names yet. Heck, this was before Tarantino did Pulp Fiction and he wasn't even the draw.

Slater was peaking here for sure and Oldman was pretty hot, but even they weren't box office draws. I think having veterans like Walken and Hopper in cameos helped get the thing publicity. I'm old enough to remember them being pretty prominent in the marketing of the movie.
