MovieChat Forums > Super Mario Bros. (1993) Discussion > I absolutely love this movie. It is an a...

I absolutely love this movie. It is an all time favorite

I think I am the only one I have ever heard of loving this movie. I am a huge fan of the video game series but I was never annnoyed or offended that the movie had nothing to do with the game. Iove the atmosphere of the movie, the costumes, the props, the robots (for lack of better term because I am very tired at he moment!), the story, the script. I love every single thing about it. Does anybody out there share my love for this movie? I had always assumed it was a well loved cult classic until a couple of years ago when I found out how despised it truely is.


It was a stupid yet fun video game so what did you expect the movie to be? I thought it lived up to the expectations. I thought it was decent & entertaining for what it was.


You're NOT the only one. I love this movie. It's full of imagination and it's special, like Master of the Universe it takes a property and challenges us with not. I love the fact it's so different while honoring the (limited) source material.

It's lord of the rings...If peter jackson is gonna film EVERYTHING (literally) as written then what's the point of ever reading the book? Different mediums equal different interpretations. This movie is so unique, I wish it would have had a sequel.

You deal with it.


When SMB was released, it was the first movie since "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II" that really excited me as a young moviegoer (the next one would be "Jurassic Park"). My family weren't all too frequent cinema visitors, so I got to see only the films I was so crazy about that my parents finally gave in after some severe pleading - "aaaall right then, sigh" ("Demolition Man" was deemed too violent, "Addams Family Values" too creepy). Yoshi fueled an upcoming dinomania, but the complete film was a riot to our group of friends. Loved the soundtrack, loved the jokes, the atmosphere, the cast ... it completely made up for the year's major disappointment, "TMNT 3". And compared with "Tank Girl" and other 90s catastrophies, it has aged pretty well.


agree with you , i just saw turtles 3 and was disappointed back then, i have a feeling i really will like this one a whole lot more, it looks awesome and the story sounds right down my alley tastewise

we have multiverse, we have dinosaurs, we have blade runner styled settings , this MUST be good

theres just so many fun movies that i love too much that i thought would be considered classics and thanks to the internet you learn ppl are negative about.....
like judge dredd last action hero mario bros ramboIII robocop2 etc etc
well i believe all this negativity is just a result of the internet mixed with alot of people with iq in the double digits therefore just going with the popular opinion cause it requires less thinking and just going with the masses


Your not alone, this film was a favorite of mine as a kid so it holds a special place in my heart. I love it.. don't care if some things are cheesy.. Dennis Hopper and Bob Hoskins make up for all of that!
