Some issues with the film that I cannot seem to get past
Ok so, we all accept that this film is pretty much a watered down version of the original. It's mindless fun but I still have a couple of issues that I can't get by.
The one that has always bothered me was the singing competition:
First of all, when Whoopie's chorus is singing, we see a piano player but hear a techno background. Last time I checked, chorus competitions didn't allow that kind of mixing because they wanted to focus on the talent of the singers.
Second, the awards are announced like the SECOND the last group finishes singing. Doesn't it take a little time before scores are tallied?
Finally, Whoopie's school wins first place...big surprise. Predictable, but not something I have issue with. What bothers me is that the second place school is announced and only the choral director comes out to accept the award. Considering how hard they worked, doesn't it seem logical that the actual students would get to come out and accept their award? Instead, we just get the conductor for like 2 seconds...what a rip off!
In terms of other issues...Mr. Crisp. Why does he hate Mary Clarence so much? I mean, how can she possibly keep him from retirement? Nobody can stop someone from retirement, especially if they put 30 years in at a post! The ending was absolutely nonsensical...he did well so they refuse to let him retire? PLEASE.
Anyway...wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for indulging me.