Ok so, we all accept that this film is pretty much a watered down version of the original. It's mindless fun but I still have a couple of issues that I can't get by.
The one that has always bothered me was the singing competition:
First of all, when Whoopie's chorus is singing, we see a piano player but hear a techno background. Last time I checked, chorus competitions didn't allow that kind of mixing because they wanted to focus on the talent of the singers.
Second, the awards are announced like the SECOND the last group finishes singing. Doesn't it take a little time before scores are tallied?
Finally, Whoopie's school wins first place...big surprise. Predictable, but not something I have issue with. What bothers me is that the second place school is announced and only the choral director comes out to accept the award. Considering how hard they worked, doesn't it seem logical that the actual students would get to come out and accept their award? Instead, we just get the conductor for like 2 seconds...what a rip off!
In terms of other issues...Mr. Crisp. Why does he hate Mary Clarence so much? I mean, how can she possibly keep him from retirement? Nobody can stop someone from retirement, especially if they put 30 years in at a post! The ending was absolutely nonsensical...he did well so they refuse to let him retire? PLEASE.
Anyway...wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for indulging me.
What puzzled me is that St Francis was kept from closing because of the choir right? yet they were seniors, they would have graduated by next year's competition.What if the next choir and music teacher were crap?
i was more confused about how they can run an entire school with one administrator, the principle and like 5 teachers, plus the assumption that the same 25 kids are in music class all day every day
@ A scribe. You are spot on about so many things here!
The piano playing was a bit inconsistent especially with the soloist having been given several cues to began with the intro. The last time he played and she started singing, notice how unlike the other times, he played a suspended chord then she miraculously snapped into motion. Yeah I know. She was supposed to be petrified by her Mom's presence but still.
Good points especially the one about the choral competition itself. Generally choral competitions remain within the same or similar genre....Gospel music at gospel competitions, formal with formal, etc. There are some exceptions to this rule but for a competion of this magnitude and prestige, especially on a secondary school level, it would be extrememly rare that a group that dances would even be allowed to participate, let alone win. This is true of most puplic schools but things may be a little different if it is comprised of and sponsored by administrators within those private schools. It takes at least 30 minutes to an hour for the rating results depending on the number of adjudicators, the number of groups performing and if or not they have been in keeping with the performance schedule. Specific times are often allotted for warm-ups, the actual performance and in some cases, sight-reading.
It is most appropriate for only the choral director to accept the award. Again, it may be different depending on the guidelines set forth by the board.
I always thought that old man Crisp did not like her because he did not trust her to be a real nun (which ultimately he was correct! LOL)
Not sure about the retirement issue. As I recall, he wanted to retire and was going to but they made him an offer he could not refuse by making him look as if he was responsible for the positive outcome of the school being saved. In other words, his ego kept him from retiring but not the system. I could very well be wrong on this though.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt
some of yall should chill on this movie. i dont think it was intended to have groundbreaking performances from the students or anybody else. it was a fun movie. alot more fun than the first one IMO.
and to answer 1 question. a music class includes all grade (9-12) not just seniors..
and another question to answer. why are the kids only seen in one class all day? they werent in music class all day. the sole purpose of the movie is based on choir kids saving their school from closing, so of course they are going to focus on one class. show them in math class for what (or any other class of that matter)??
this movie is being over scrutinized by some people when its really not a big deal. just my opinion
Ok so, we all accept that this film is pretty much a watered down version of the original. It's mindless fun but I still have a couple of issues that I can't get by.
That's more than a little sad.
The one that has always bothered me was the singing competition:
First of all, when Whoopie's chorus is singing, we see a piano player but hear a techno background. Last time I checked, chorus competitions didn't allow that kind of mixing because they wanted to focus on the talent of the singers.
>>>There isn't anyone actually playing the piano after the intro, does it? Also, when I was in high school choir, most performances allowed instrumental background.
Second, the awards are announced like the SECOND the last group finishes singing. Doesn't it take a little time before scores are tallied?
>>>Yeah, it usually takes at least an hour.
Finally, Whoopie's school wins first place...big surprise. Predictable, but not something I have issue with. What bothers me is that the second place school is announced and only the choral director comes out to accept the award. Considering how hard they worked, doesn't it seem logical that the actual students would get to come out and accept their award? Instead, we just get the conductor for like 2 seconds...what a GYP.
>>>Did you see the size of that choir? Do you really think the whole group would go up? In most competitions, the director is the representative.
In terms of other issues...Mr. Crisp. Why does he hate Mary Clarence so much? I mean, how can she possibly keep him from retirement? Nobody can stop someone from retirement, especially if they put 30 years in at a post! The ending was absolutely nonsensical...he did well so they refuse to let him retire? PLEASE.
>>> Mr. Crisp doesn't like Sister Mary Clarence because her determination to keep the school open by doing the choir competition would keep him from being able to sell and retire early.
>>> How have you not mentioned the professional costume changes? They're all in t-shirts and jeans, with the robes, standing in the wings during the introduction. They decide to lose the robes and come on stage about 8 seconds later in different clothes, accesories and a few of the girls had their hair fixed differently.
I think that Goldberg is inspiring,and motivating in her return role as "Sister Mary Clarence".If anyone knows,mentoring is guiding a child on a descent Path.We need to have strong role models, to enforce dignity & self-respect in Our youth today. Whoopi's character takes the passion of these kids, music, and works it in their Lives to help them realize who they could be. This one seems more enjoyable to me, than the first;What I catch,here, is a change in a whole Community.
I liked this movie better than the first as well(the first was really good too)this one shows the community this Church is in and how a school can have a positive impact on the community. It shows if we put effort into teaching our youth and showing them possibilities they have a lot more hope for the future. This is a case where it would be great if life imitated film.
"I liked this movie better than the first as well(the first was really good too)this one shows the community this Church is in and how a school can have a positive impact on the community. It shows if we put effort into teaching our youth and showing them possibilities they have a lot more hope for the future. This is a case where it would be great if life imitated film."
Please, this movie was nothing but an attempt to cash in on the Yo! MTV Raps hip-hop culture that was unfortunately popular at the time. It's pandering at it's worst. It had a clichéd plot and as many have mentioned, a script with as may plotholes as a slice of swiss cheese. Horrible, just horrible!
How in the heck did Delores make so many costume changes in her opening scene in Vegas? Especially when she dressed as a nun and put the harness on. That would take longer then 5 seconds. Maybe there's some secret ritual I don't know about.
Having been a Catholic School student myself, I don't understand why all the Kids were going to the school for free. There could not have been that many Scholarship students. I know the elementary school I went to charged huge tuition, but there was no mention of tuition costs in the film. No wonder the Archdioces couldn't keep it going.
The nuns kept mentioning that it was the only school in the neighborhood, yet it was a private school. In a city the size of San Fransisco, I would think there would be a public high school near by.
The costumes can be easily explained: tearaways. They aren't difficult to master, once you practice them. Even the harness can be done quickly, if you have help (and she did, the people surrounding her would have been helping her get hooked up quickly) and a lot of practice. They're used in real shows, both lounge acts and on broadway, all the time.
My theory about the school tuition is that the school itself was a ministry of the church, meaning it would have been funded in the same way as a church-sponsored homeless shelter, medical clinic, or soup kitchen would be. That's why it was so important to keep the Archdioces happy. They controlled the budget of the church, and the ministries of the church. Then again, I'm Protestant and there aren't many Catholic schools around where I live, so I don't know for sure.
When will people stop picking out every detail of a movie that isn't like real life? When was this a documentary. It's a movie, and movies are full of fictional things, and other things that aren't as relevant to the world we all live in. This movie is about chances, faith, and love. I do however, understand how little things like what has been stated can aggrivate some people, and I know it may seem like I am just picking something to fuss about, but I am not. I actually was looking to see where the actors in this movie were today, and i never realized rita was lauryn hill. But I did see some posts, and this one kind of struck me as absurd. I just finished watching this movie for the umpteenth time, and the emotions I felt throughout it were simply remarkable. Rita's character stuck with me the most. I must admit though, i did question the quick results of the show - I then just allowed myself to believe that it was obvious they were the best and so the judges needed no time to choose. If you notice, all musical performances with groups are choreographed. but I am sure they went a little overboard. I don'r care though. None of it ruined anything in the movie for me. To me sister act 1 and 2 is really one movie. I can't watch one without the other. And the small flaws which people always seem to find are quite irrelevant when viewing the movie as a whole. At least there were no plot holes, and mr crisp was intimidated by sistermary clarence because she wasn't disciplined like a normal nun,a nd he thought she was fishy from the getko, plus she had an unauthorized field trip, which I am sure he knew about. At any rate, I love this movie, and i just wanted to state my opinion ina friendly way!
Here is my 2 cents. I think that the movie is perfect & also better then the 1st one, I still sing Oh Happy Day to this very day. I just found out that Whoopi's real life daughter by the name of Alex Martin(real name) is in this movie doing the Yo Mama jokes with the other kids. Her Yo Mama joke was about skittles. Also they people that made Sister Act & Sister Act 2 are planing on making a another Sister Act movie. That is Sister Act 3 it will be comming out in 2009 for right now there is no word that Whoopi will be in this movie but when I find out I will post it in here for you all ok.
Your analysis of this movie reminds me of people that watch horror flicks and ask "Why doesn't she get out of the house?" when it's clear to the watcher that a grisly fate awaits the victim. GEEZE it's supposed to be a feel good flick. Stop trying to make sense out of everything in it and accept it for what it is - a feel good story with a message - that being anything is possible if you have faith and believe!
I question because I admire the film. Since I enjoy it, I tend to watch it when it repeats over and over on cable television. The more times I watch it, the more things I notice about the plot that make me think.
I am an appreciator of film and, as such, I tend to analyze and question elements of those films that I enjoy the most. This message board is a forum for these questions, isn't it? There are plenty of people that responded to my original inquiry with their own takes on my thoughts, whether they agreed or not and this message board is a forum for those types of posts as well.
I never attacked the message of the story, just some of the less than realistic elements that repeated viewing has allowed me to consider. Lighten up!
I am not one to pick apart every little thing, but there were too many glaring plot holes to ignore in "Sister Act 2." First of all, she just leaves her "headlining" role in a Vegas show, leaving at least thirty people unemployed unless she had an understudy (which would make no sense, given the 'plot' of the show). Then there's the fact that no one recognizes her, no one in the entire school. That's ridiculous given that: 1. The nuns from her first movie are teaching in the school-- no one has heard about their rise to fame as an innovative choir with their leader who was in a witness protection program? 2. Delores had articles about her in four or five major magazines, including her face on the cover, but no one remembers, and 3. It doesn't seem like much time has passed since the first movie, and the school isn't far away from where the action took place, but still, NO ONE catches on to Delores being a "Vegas showgirl."
There were a few bright spots in the movie (I liked the line "Sister Mary Patrick frowned... twice.") but I couldn't get past the basis of the plot, which is Delores dons the habit again with no one being the wiser-- not even at the CHOIR COMPETITION where you'd think people might have heard of her, seeing as her choir earned a visit from the Pope!
Mr. "Crispy" said that he thought Delores looked familiar and didn't realize it towards the end of the film that she was on the cover of this magazine. So maybe the guys in this school didn't remember her or heck, even heard or knew of her. Unless she's the next president, you can't go assuming that everyone would know her. Why do you think all the fathers and crisp went after Delores and the gang at the competition? That's because he found out that she was a Las Vegas show girl. Pay attention...
And all you critics need to get a grip. It's a friggin movie for christ sakes. You want a documentary go watch one...
~~~~~~~~~~ Saving people...hunting things...the family business!
I know this is many years later and hopefully you have watched the movie over again and heard an answer to part of your concerns but during the opening number 'The Greatest Medley Ever Told' the announcer says it is the FINAL PERFORMANCE so she does not just leave her headliner show and put people out of work to go play nun and choir director again.