MovieChat Forums > Jûbê ninpûchô (1993) Discussion > This is crap when watched older.

This is crap when watched older.

I first watched Ninja Scroll when I was 14 years old and thought it was amazing. I tried watching it now (I'm 23) and found it to be total crap and boring. I found the action scenes lackluster. I also feel the same about Street Fighter 2 The Animated Movie. I bought Spriggan and found that crap as well. I think I'm too old for anime now, it's something for 12-18 year olds. I wanted to get Cyber City Oedo as it's something I enjoyed as a 12 year old but I'll probably end up hating that as well.

Does anyone else feel the same? Are there any good action animes that can revve my interest?



I first saw Ninja Scroll in my teens, and at one point, watched it nearly once a day!

I'm 31 now, and a family man. I have just ordered it on DVD (I think I wore out the old VHS version)

I can see where you're going with this. I prefer to watch Ninja Scroll, Street Fighter 2, Patlabor and the like now more as a nostalgia trip. It reminds me of my life when I was young. It doesn't shock, or appaul, I think I am past that now. With the advent of the Internet, I don't think anything gets to me like that anymore.

At one point in my life, I used to love old '70s Kung Fu flicks, and all anime. These days, I am much more choosy. (Read my post on Jackie Chan's page for proof of that!)

I still love digging these old classic titles out once in a while, being worm-holed back to my younger and carefree days... but I still like happening upon quality films I haven't seen before like Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex, Black Lagoon and the like. I just don't have time for cheap-ass productions anymore.

"Okay. You are now firing a gun at your imaginary friend, near 400 gallons of nitroglycerin!"


I'm 22 and I literally just finished watching Ninja Scroll for the first time about an hour ago.

I must admit I was fairly dissapointed. I absolutely love Basilisk, which was inspired by the same source material that Ninja Scroll is based on, but Ninja Scroll didn't live up to the hype for me.

The fight scenes were very short and in nearly every single case Jubie (if that's how you spell it) only won due to luck or other characters interfering - I kept waiting for him to kick arse but he never did really, except in the final fight.

Maybe it's because I was watched the wonderful Basilisk before it, but I was quite let down by Ninja Scroll. Maybe a second viewing will help though


Isnt that even more interesting than him just walking through the enemies? I mean he has no problem with the army of goons at the end, its just the Devils that he needs some help with. Jubei is just a modest sword for hire.

Also about this movie being crap. Its not. The music, scenery and storyline really take you back to an ancient time.



I remember first seeing Ninja Scroll in '94 and renting it out at least five more times that year. Something I've never repeated with any other animated film since. Having been disappointed with so much of the Manga output from that era (aside for classics like Fist of the North, SF2, and Golgo 13), I had pretty much given up on anime as something to waste pocket money on a long time before my 14th birthday.
Since then, I've owned three DVD copies and a dubbed VHS of Ninja Scroll over the years. Two of the DVD copies have been stolen and the third I still have, the 10th anniversary edition, which was a gift. Dunno what happened to the VHS copy.
The dialogue has been burned into my brains, just like the Star Wars trilogy, and as the years progress I find myself watching it at least once year to get my fix.
I hope your interest in the film is rekindled at some point. I think you're suffering from some form of entertainment burn-out and are expecting way too much when revisiting it years later.
You can't tell me that watching [SPOILER ALERT] Tessai beat the living *beep* out of Jubei and then having Jubei survive using such an awesome move, AND THEN finding out it was never him who actually beat Tessai but Kagero, doesn't still entertain you? Or the totally kick ass opening with the ball of rice? Does this not entertain you?
Jeez I sound like the *beep* Maximus A$$holeius here. I'll stop ranting now.


Personally, what I like about the movie are the visuals and the creative villains. True, story-wise it's kind of a basic action flick. The animation while somewhat dated is still beautifully drawn - the camera angles, the backgrounds, the colors, etc. I found the villains to be very interesting, though I wish we got to find out more about them. I really enjoyed some of the creativity in their abilities. Even the little things like the way Yurimaru uses his electric conducting string to also communicate over long distance was cool.


I still love this movie to this day. I first saw it when I was in High school, back in '95. I couldn't wait to find it on VHS. And, now I have the 10th anniversary DVD. I still like all the old anime from when I was younger. I will always like the non-computer animated movies more. The detail in th old school anime was so good in most- Ninja Scroll, Macross Plus, Patlabor. Some stuff could have been better ( Robotech, Vampire Hunter D, Project A-KO) but I still like watching them. When Ninja Scroll came out it was such a bad a$$ movie, and to be animated. Most of the stuff we were use to back them was Transformers, Disney, and saturday morning stuff. To see a "cartoon" show all the things a live action movie would have and have effects that we are only now catching up with (thanks to CGI) was the coolest thing. Someone else mentioned that they remember seeing "Vampire Hunter D" when it first aired on Sci-Fi and I remember that too. It was around '92-93 and ever since I have loved anime. I can't wait until they start making some of these movies into live action to see if they will compare to the original animated versions. I hope Robotech will as good as the series(and better in some areas). Now that special effects have evolved by leaps and bounds, I think they could make a really good Ninja Scroll.


Yep, Saturday Anime really made a lasting impression on me. I don't think I'd be so into anime if it weren't for the Sci-fi Channel.



I only saw this when I was 23 and am 25 now so hard to compare then vs now as though there's much difference. It's a good movie but this is a good point, I'd probably have been even more impressed if I saw this when it first came out when I was 12-13 as that was when I first started liking anime. Originally I just liked stuff like Sailor Moon and other Japanese shows from a very young age then got into more depthful and violent anime, classic anime etc. when they started Sci-fi saturdays on the sci-fi channel. Since I'm a big sci-fi fan I got into anime through that as most anime is science fiction or fantasy. I even joined the anime club at school, the only club I ever joined. When I saw things like Project A-ko and Ranma 1/2 then it was like the most amazing thing in the world to me. Having recently begun re-watching all those old anime videos/DVDs from 10-12 years ago I still think most are great films/series but the impact isn't the same as when your a teen. It's like yeah this is good but how was it this used to be my entire life almost lol. It's been nostalgic though. Now I don't watch anywhere near as much anime as then but I do love Miyazaki films, stuff like Grave of the Fireflies and Barefoot Gen that I've only seen more recently. Films like these remind me why I originally liked anime so much in the first place. It doesn't lessen the impact of older films, it just puts them in perspective.


I know this is an old post, but yeah, I'm with you too.

I first saw Ninja Scroll when I was about 16, and as a horny teenager with a taste for horror movies, the nudity and violence (and plenty of both) that Ninja Scroll offers was very appealing.

Now, as a wizened 29 year old, I think the plot is basically rubbish, the animation is awful (although the designs and stylings are great).

I've been having a renewed interest in anime lately, and I went back and watched Ninja Scroll again. Didn't like it anymore.

"It's just a movie" is no excuse for treating us like idiots!


I don't think it has much to do with age. I would have been 26 or 27 when I first saw Ninja Scroll, and I thought it was great. I'm 40 now, and I watched it again this weekend. It definitely isn't as I good as I thought it was years ago.

But obviously this has nothing to do with my age. I think the real issue was that there was a huge shift in anime back in the mid 1990s, primarily thanks to animes like Ghost in the Shell and Evangelion. Ninja Scroll was a couple of years prior to the shift.


Ninja Scroll was quite possibly one of the best animes ever.


Hey, it's super that you think so, guy. ~finger-gun point gesture~


I don't think it has to do with the age. I am 28 and I loved it (though, unlike you, I never watched it before)


I still love Ninja Scroll, have for many, many years. Has anyone seen Perfect Blue or Shigurui? Those are really good also, with Shigurui being the most recent.

They will say that I have shed innocent blood...what's blood for, if not for shedding? - Candyman

reply watch that is also really good, remind me of kenshin
