Dont get me wrong this was a pretty good steven King film, I just thought that Max Von Sydrow's perforance as Leland Gaunt wasn't sinster/evil enough. I have a list of actors that could play Gaunt alittle better
1. Anthony Hopkins 2. John Malkovich 3. Gary Oldman 4. David Carridine 5. Sean Connery 6. Jack Nicholson
As a Swede I may be biased (a joke), but I thought that Max von Sydow's portrayal of Leland Gaunt was excellent. I can't picture anyone else for the part. What I think is unfortunate is that too little work went into the screenplay. I like the movie, but it could have been better, in fact, I believe it could have been much better (however, I haven't seen the extended edition).
It's funny. I really think Sydow did a great job in this. I think maybe he didn't act very "extrovetially evil" on purpose. Some sort of philosophy, that "Less is More".
I actually loved the campy humour and I felt that Max Von Sydrow was an interesting choice to play Mr. Gaunt. I never would have thought of him while reading the book though. When the book first came out, I had someone very different in mind. It was the late John Carradine.... David`s father. Obviously, since he`s no longer with us, and was`nt when the film was made, he could`nt have played Gaunt, but the way the character was described in the book, reminded me of John Carradine. It`s funny that one of the actors on the OP`s list was David.... he might have been interesting as well. The wonderful thing about a book, is that we readers can make up our own cast. I know that I do, and I make no distinctions either. If a character in a book reminds me of someone, it can be an actor who is alive or dead.... it can be someone I even know or have known in my life. It`s when a book is adapted to film, that your imagination is suddenly limited.
when i read the book way back whwn i imagined jt walsh as buster but i always thought veteran horror actor angus scrimm would have been a great leland gaunt
Sutherland would have been just right. And Sydow should have played Straker in 2004. When I read it I pictured Julian Beck because "tombstone teeth" kept getting brought up.
Come on! Anthony Hopkins over Max von Sydow! Hopkins has played great villians when he was younger (see 'Hamlet' with Nicol Williamson) but he overacted as Lecter and made the character into a pantomime villain.
Without having watched the movie I saw Max Von Sydow in my head the whole time I was reading the book. He is the face I see in any book with a gray haired old guy for a villain though. I personally loved the role. I thought he was the single highlight of the film. To each his own though right? = P
I always found Max von Sydow a great actor for it, he had that distinguished older gentlement look and at times could be extremely creepy. Most of the actors named here just strike me as too young for this movie at this time, way too strong, Sydow had that distinguished look that comes with age, the grandfatherly look, and then contrasted it with his sinister bargains.
I did love von Sydow as Gaunt, best part of the movie in my mind honestly.
I thought he was perfect for the part. He was perfect in the facilitating role so to speak. I could feel the hold he had over people. His character was just there to stir up the worst kind of trouble and watch it all come down for his own amusement. I thought Max did a great job being a charming troublemaker. The devil in this case came to town started a little crap and watched the townies turn on each other. I liked him myself.