MovieChat Forums > Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Discussion > Miranda had no reason to be angry at Dan...

Miranda had no reason to be angry at Daniel.

At the restaurant, it's revealed that Mrs. Doubtfire was indeed Daniel. Miranda being his ex wife, reacted harshly.
But.........Did she really have any reason to get angry and take him to court?

1) He made sure his kids were taken care of.

2) He taught the kids valuable lessons on the importance of priorities and schoolwork. As a result, Chris's grades improved.

3) The house was always clean and dinner was always cooked.

4) Miranda admitted to love having "her" around.

5) The 2 older kids KNEW about "Mrs Doubtfire" but didn't seem to mind and agreed to keep it a secret.

6) He wasn't was a deadbeat dad who tried to kidnap the kids away from her.

Sure, he shouldn't have lied like that, but Mrs. Doubtfire brought out the best in Daniel and everyone noticed it.


I've seen a deleted scene of Miranda AND Daniel having a super-heated argument AFTER the Mrs. Doubtfire revelation, and their own children want to disown her. I found it such a downer, and it's not surprising it was cut, and I was baffled as to exactly what Miranda wanted. She was never satisfied.


Agreed. Daniel did exactly what Miranda wanted.

-he got a job
- He took care of responsibilities
-he helped out around the house
-he acted more mature
-he and spent time with the kids.


Her ex husband spend months dressed as an old fucking lady lying to her and pretending to be someone else. And you're saying she has no reason to be angry? What drugs are you on?


Well Daniel did everything a good and devoted father was suppose to do! Even as Mrs. Doubtfire.

Even Miranda herself said that Mrs. Doubtfire brought out the best in him.


Yes! But he did it pretending to be a 60 year old woman and invading her home life for months! If he had done all of that WITHOUT becoming Mrs. Doubtfire, that would be different. You're judging her way too harshly, and honestly you sound incredibly stupid. She had every right to be angry because she was shocked and caught off guard. After a bit, she got over it and worked with Daniel. That's what matters.

If you think you wouldnt be angry if you suddenly found out your ex was pretending to be someone else for months, you're lying. You clearly have a weird hatred for Miranda while rabidly defending Daniel. Neither was perfect. Both had flaws. But this is not one of Miranda's flaws.


it was the fact that he lied to her what he was doing. She had the house--it was hers now and he pretended to be somebody else under false pretenses to come back into it. That was the problem. If he was doing that, what else was happening?


I'm not even sure what Miranda's problem was. Sure he was a little immature, but he loved his children, never hit her, never cheated on her and never insulted her. He had a job until the day of the divorce. She needed to lighten up.


I don't agree with the TC at all. But as far as I'm concerned the only reason he quit the job he had at the beginning is because the people in charge of that cartoon were a bunch of stupid jerks that wanted to encourage kids to smoke. And frankly I can't blame him for quitting that. Those guys are idiots and shouldn't have been doing that cartoon in that way to begin with. I had recently watched this for the first time in many years and hadn't remembered that beginning scene. But it goes without saying that encouraging kids to smoke is pretty despicable. Honestly when I saw that all I could think was, "Wow! Things have changed now for the better." A cartoon like that wouldn't even be made now. Not a cartoon for kids anyway.


Exactly. Daniel was a good guy and a good father, but a little immature. I don't even see the reason for the divorce.


Well, he shouldn't have brought all those animals in the house and when she tried telling him it was wrong of him to do so he insisted it wasn't. I wouldn't want to live with someone that irresponsible either. There is also the fact that the police wanted to fine her for having animals in a place where they weren't allowed.


Good point, but I sensed that the divorce was a long time coming before that one particular incident. I really didn't get a feel that the was a rule breaker.


Oh come on, everybody, how could anyone NOT want to divorce Robin Williams? I mean he's great in small doses, but can you imagine putting up with his manic crazy attention-grabbing for YEARS?

Okay, a long time ago I saw a nature documentary on TV, where Williams was out on a dive boat with some marine biologists. At first I thought "Wow, those lucky scientists get to spend weeks at sea with Robin Williams!". And after half an hour I pitied them for spending weeks on a small boat with Williams, and by the end of the one-hour show I was amazed that someone hadn't put a harpoon through his head by the end of the voyage.


Yeah she was a little nuts. She was probably so angry at herself for being fooled by him.


Yeah she was a little nuts. She was probably so angry at herself for being fooled by him.

Been a while since I've seen this, but didn't she say exactly that in the second to the last scene with him?


Yeah it's been awhile since I've seen that scene.


In addition to what I said below...

Look, it doesn't matter how many "good spouse" points your husband or wife scores. If looking at them makes you so fucking irritated you want to put an ice axe through their skull, it really is better in the long run if you get a divorce.


It's true Robin Williams' Daniel was unemployed and immature and she had to be the adult but at the same time, it does seem like she resented how the kids liked him more than her and I did feel as if she was committing parental alienation by limiting visits, showing up early on purpose, having the kids bond with her male lover, Stu, purposefully not hiring Daniel for the nanny role.

You can say Daniel was a bad husband and a irresponsible dad but he was a loving father but also acknowledge Miranda did some shady stuff and I thought the movie gave her a pass on it.


Well there was the small matter of the various times he tried to sabotage her relationship with her new love interest and that time it almost resulted in him choking to death. That might piss you off a bit once the penny drops.


Sure, he shouldn't have lied like that..

Well, that's your answer. Miranda was no longer in love with Daniel and didn't want him around her. He pulled a ruse and Miranda found herself telling "Mrs. Doubtfire" personal and private things, things she wouldn't say to any man, much less Daniel. Daniel not only did not stop Miranda from talking, but kept leading the conservation to those things any woman would find embarrassing. And face it, by dressing up as Mrs. Doubtfire and fooling her all those months, he made a total ass of Miranda.

We see this story from Daniel's point of view, but imagine if this was Miranda's story and we find out at the end that her ex husband was stalking her.


Was he? Didn't he just want to spend time with his children?


Was he? [stalking]

Yes. The exact definition of stalking by any metric. The motivation for the stalking is immaterial.


Thank you, my friend. When you step back and really look at the story, this movie is very creepy.


Appreciate it sir. Funny how some people never see the big picture..


What it all boils down to, is that neither Miranda nor Daniel were innocent.


While Miranda acted badly on the advice of her divorce lawyer, this wouldn't have happened at all if Daniel was even half a decent husband. Too bad it took a divorce for him to become a better person - which he fortunately did. Not a win-win for Daniel but a win nonetheless.
