MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > One of the greatest endings in film hist...

One of the greatest endings in film history

The ending in the film is so haunting and breath-taking, it just knocks me out. The music, the crash, the episode playing out on the living room floor. I really cannot think of a better ending in movie history. Just incredible! And yes, I know, the whole film was great. It is just that the ending is so good!

Salvation is free


It's amazing and I feel that the music is one of the main reasons why the whole sequence is so powerful. I can't remember the last time an ending moved me so deeply.


The rest of the film is terrific - Peter Weir was getting back to the visual, non-verbal poetry we saw in his early Australian films in this one - but the ending alone deserves to go in the time capsule, under the category of Greatest Sequences In Film History.

"Everyone else may be an a**hole, but I'm not!" - Harlan Ellison


Agreed here. The scene is powerfully emotional for reasons almost too complex to articulate. It's not just the tragedy of the thing; there's some kind of beauty in it too, almost an unexpected kind of fateful rightness. Kind of reminds me of Theodore Roethke -- "I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. / I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. / I learn by going where I have to go."



I watched it last night. A very strange movie. I've already forgotten the ending.



the dude transcended...he became like a god, didnt you get that?

There we were, minding our own business, when kids started killing themselves all over my property.


This film tore me apart when I first saw it. I'll never forget how it made me feel and the power in the ending. Every time I see it I wish that I had been smart enough to see it in a theater but instead I waited for laserdisc to rent it. As gut wrenching as it was at home I cannot imagine what it must have been like to experience it in the big screen.

Few films ever capture the power of life and death. This one did. And it's a crying shame so few people have seen it.



Pulp Fiction has the best ending in film history.



It doesnt really have an ending....

There we were, minding our own business, when kids started killing themselves all over my property.


I gave this a 10/10 rating. Without that ending, I would've given this an 8/10.
