Benny Blanco plot hole

So at the end, Carlito gets double crossed by his friend, and Benny shoots Carlito. Then Benny shoots the guy who just helped him kill Carlito. Why would he kill a guy who just helped him?


Despite being one of the supposedly honourable "old barrio crowd", Pachanga had become an opportunist, motivated by money alone. This is why he double crossed Carlito, his friend of many years.

Benny Blanco realised that Pachanga had no loyalty and would probably wack him out if there was some benefit to Pachanga, monetary or otherwise, in the future. He just used Pachanga to find out Carlito's whereabouts on that particular evening (Grand Central Station). After this, Pachanga was of no real use to him and represented a potential liability for the reasons I mentioned - in Benny's mind the simplest way to wrap things up was kill Pachanga too.

It may have also been payback for when Pachanga roughed him up at the night club earlier on in the movie.


Its one of the great "laugh while you cry" moments in movies.

Its all so sad how Carlito has made it this far only to be shot at the last minute by a guy he forgot about. He's dying.

And Carlito's lover(and mother of his unborn child) is crying and in shock.

And we get:

Pachanga: (To Benny) Let's go.
Benny: stay here. (BANG. Pachanga joins Carlito in death, just that quick.)

Its great payback for treachery...and its funny.

Not much of a plot hole. Good try, though!


Millsey is a plot hole troll. Check his posting history. Dont waste your time


are you stupid or something?


Someone who is a liberal is asking if a person is dumb?


Oh, so you're a right wing nutjob. That answers my question. Thank you.


Yea because open borders, free healthcare to illegals, defunding the police, record high inflation, along with record high energy prices are all such great things. You make me sick


Go find plot holes in Tucker Carlson's rants.


I wonder how was he able to shoot Carlos and his "friend" with a crowd of police officers only a few feet away and no one noticed?


They were preoccupied with Vincent Tag, who they'd just gunned down. Still, Benny must have been using one hell of a silencer.
Even if Benny hadn't been there, I also wonder how likely it would be that the Miami train would still leave given what had just happened


I think, simply put, Pachanga betrayed Carlito and will no doubt do it again to Blanco if a similar situation occurs.


Thanks for clarifying
