Two Major Plot Holes

Did it bother anyone else C's mother was suddenly gone after the 8 year gap?

Also why didn't the show the fate of Sonny's assassin?


The mother issue. I think she is still there. Here is my reason:

Look at the very final scene. Just before the credits begin to roll.

It shows C and his father walk up their stoop, into their house.

As C's mother did throughout the film, there is a woman looking down from the open window above the door on the top floor, the only window in the building lit up. When they close the door behind them, she slides the window closed and then shortly after, the light goes out.

I've always presumed this was the mother. It never suggested or pointed out otherwise that the mother was no longer there - she just no longer had any significant role or relevance to the remainder of the story.

As for what happened Sonny's killer. Would you call that a "plot hole", or would you just say its something they didn't show? Who cares - it has nothing to do with the story. Why didn't we see Coffee Cake for a lot of the second half of the movie? Did he die? Dunno, it doesn't matter though. That isn't a plot hole either. The killer may have been killed, or roughed up and arrested.


I assumed C's mom maybe got a job, Women did begin working a little more when the 60's rolled in which as why she wasn't around as much. As far as Sonny's killer, like everyone said either the bar people got him or he got arrested.


You sound dumb. That is not a plot hole. The mom had zero significance for the 2nd part of the movie, so there was no reason for her to be there. & theres no reason for the makers to explain where the mother is, cuz its not important for the plot. She could be anywhere. The 2nd part of the movie only takes place for about a 2 week period. Maybe the mom was working out of town or just working or hanging out or whatever on whenever time the scenes in the movie take place. Or maybe the mom died or maybe there was a divorce. It really deosnt matter, cuz the mom doesnt need to be in the 2nd half of the movie, cuz she does nothing for the plot.

Thats like saying, "Why isnt the old man that C & his friends stole food from, in the 2nd half of the movie?" Obviously he doesnt have to, cuz there is no need for him to move along the plot.

So do u think that every single character has to be in every scene of the movie? LOL!


Those aren't plot holes


What are they then if they aren't plot holes?


Good catch. I can't stand plot holes


The mom's scenes must have been cut from the 2nd half. They didn't even hinted she died or they split up.
