MovieChat Forums > Army of Darkness (1993) Discussion > Who thinks this has more in common with ...

Who thinks this has more in common with Willow and Princess Bride than Night of the Living Dead?

Who else thought it kind of owed to those 80s fantasy films i mentioned than Night of the Living Dead/Dawn of the Dead/The Exorcist like the first 2 movies? it was a different departure from horror genre yet does have horror elements but mostly was more in the tradition of fantasy-comedy-adventure.



They seemed to go a different direction with every Evil Dead film.

The first one was meant as a legitimate horror movie. Then the second one a goofy comedy. This one did have a sort of sword and sorcery vibe to it. Though it retained some humour, it wasn't as all out silly as the second movie.


I would argue this one was sillier than the previous one.


Maybe so. It's been a while since I saw the second one.

I remember not liking the second one in comparison to the first, because it was a lot sillier. So maybe that's what I'm comparing it to.


Army of Darkness got pretty silly. I love the entire series, mind you, but the second seemed to be about 50/50 in terms of comedy/horror whereas this one is more of a pure comedy with some horror bits here and there.


Still this is a damn good sequel and an awesome one too and also a fantasy comedy adventure




Of course. That's why they changed the title.


None of the Evil dead movies were akin to Night/Dawn of the Dead. Excorcist maybe.
The 2nd movie was basically a remake of the first anyway. Silly ? True, but entertaining nonetheless.
