Zack, Trini & Jason

As a child watching it when I was 9 when they left for "peace" I had no idea what was going on. Upon rewatching the series from the beginning I notice that the last episode they were in themselves was White Light Part 2, after that episode they were shown with look a likes only shown from the back or I guess unused footage from earlier episodes. If you look closely when they show them in scenes it's with Tommy still wearing green clothing meaning he was the green ranger. Also Zack doesn't have the braided twist in his hair and they don't talk or if they do it's a horrible voice over by someone else. I first noticed this when they had Jason talking while in costume and I'm like WTF his voice is totally different. So I'm guessing once they went into the contract dispute they weren't allowed on set or something. It just sucks that they couldn't at least get them back for the power transfer episode. I guess not all was bad since Austin came back as the Gold Ranger and the 2nd movie. I would've loved the original cast in the Power Ranger movie though. Adam was the only one I liked from the new rangers. BTW looking at the show from Adult eyes you notice a lot of things you wouldn't pay attention to as a kid and can't help but to laugh like how intense Jason David Frank is as his character lol. It's like he did a line of cocaine before all his action scenes.


Actually the last episode the actors filmed before they quit/were fired was Opposites Attract(which was the second episode after White Light). After that Jason, Zack and Trini didn't hang out with the three very much, hardly appeared unmorphed and when they did appear it was either via reused footage from past episodes and they would only be shown from the back. And the other three would wear the clothes that they wore in those episodes in order to match up with the footage. Which was why Tommy sometimes wore green even though he was now the White Ranger.

The actors would often do the ADR for the characters while they were morphed much later on after filming the episodes, but because they left after filming the aforementioned episode, they weren't even around to do the ADR for the episodes that they actually filmed. For the episodes that the actors weren't present for, they either recycled lines from past episodes or they'd have someone else do the dialogue.(which sounded nothing like Austin, Walter or Thuy) The last episode where Jason and Zack had original dialogue when morphed(by the actual actors) was The Beetle Invasion and Trini's last episode was the one afterwards Welcome To Venus Island.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


You seem to have your history down lol. Do you know why it was only those 3 that complained about their contracts and not all of them? I think if they all banded together no one would have gotten replaced. When they brought tommy back and made him the new leader I figured something was up (now not back then as a kid). I can't help but to wonder how the show would've gone if they weren't let go kinda like shan on Doherty and charmed.
At least they made up for it with Adam. Him and Jason both had that donk.


Yeah, I was nine when MMPR first started and unlike most people my age at the time, I never really did stop watching it as I got older. Not exactly sure why just those three complained though. Though I don't think Jason David Frank would have been in a position to complain as he wasn't part of the original five and had already left the show twice and came back.

A little bit of trivia, Jason was actually originally planned to remain the leader after Tommy became the White Ranger. As a couple episodes later(the episode that Austin, Walter and Thuy last filmed), he was the one to say "It's morphin time!". Zordon's line in White Light about Tommy being the new leader was actually dubbed in later on after the actors had left. Which was why there wasn't any kind of reaction from Jason.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


LOL sounds like we are the same age and were in the same position with watching. I think I stopped watching it religiously during Zeo. I honestly for the life of me can't remember there being a Turbo Power Rangers movie and when the show switched to that I was flabbergasted as to why there was a kid as a ranger instead of Rocky lol. I think at that point I was just like this is unbelievable. Once the remaining rangers left during Turbo and switched to power rangers in space then I really stopped watching except for the last episode where Zordon breaks and turns Rita/Zedd good. To me that is where the Official Power Rangers series ends since Zordon is gone and their main antagonists aren't evil anymore. After that I have no clue what has been going on. Since they are making a reboot movie (which from what I keep reading online sounds nothing like the original) I decided to trek back down memory lane since my library had the series on DVD. I'm currently on the last disc for season 2 and since neither my library or netflix seem to have them past that on dvd I may have to find some cheap used ones ebay unless I can find some torrents for Seasons 3,4 and 5.

I didn't know Jason David Frank had quit the show twice, I just thought that is how they were writing his character. I think I read somewhere that those 3 complained because of the long hours and cheap labor I believe. I honestly didn't know as a kid that they were using footage from some Japanese show during fights. But looking at it now knowing that it's so evident because when they morph the characters are all skinnier than the real actors. Plus as I said before Jason had a big bubble and when they showed him from the back during the fight scenes versus him in uniform for real it is like night and day lol.

Thanks for tidbit about Jason remaining leader. How/where do you find out all this information about the show? I think Austin/Walter/Thuy were closer friends than with the others. I know I read Austin and Walter are still close and see on IMDB that they are doing a movie with "Skull". Obviously Jason was my favorite ranger which one was yours?


I get the information from sites such as Power Rangers wiki as well as this site

It's the biggest Power Rangers website.

There have actually been some pretty good seasons after Power Rangers In Space. Such as Lost Galaxy(a season where one of the rangers was actually killed off), Time Force, Dino Thunder(where Tommy returned as the Black Ranger for that season, and RPM. Just to name a few.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


In Space was the first great season IMO. As you mentioned Lost Galaxy, Time Force (I'd say Lightspeed as well). RPM might be my favourite season of the whole show.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


(I'd say Lightspeed as well)

Time Force is way Better


Lightspeed isn't one of favorite seasons but it's far better than seasons like Wild Force, Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive.

Aside from the first few episodes of Samurai, I haven't seen any post RPM season and from I've read Lightspeed and Turbo are masterpieces compared to them.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


Lightspeed isn't one of favorite seasons but it's far better than seasons like Wild Force, Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive.

Lightspeed isn't one of my favorite seasons as well
But its better than Samurai
But Wild Force is pretty Good

Aside from the first few episodes of Samurai, I haven't seen any post RPM season and from I've read Lightspeed and Turbo are masterpieces compared to them.

Some People Like RPM, Some Don't
I Think RPM was the Best and the Darkest Power Rangers Season
It was Better than its Sentai Conterpart

I know that a few people liked Lightspeed Rescue
But its not my Favorite Season
It has Boring Villains and Boring Plots
If they Liked it, thats Fine


I know I'll get flamed for this, but:

Zeo > RPM = In Space > SPD > Time Force > Mighty Morphin 2 > Dino Thunder > Mighty Morphin 1 > Mystic Force > Wild Force > Mighty Morphin 3 > Ninja Storm > Lost Galaxy >Turbo = Samurai/Super Samurai > Lightspeed Rescue > Operation Overdrive > Jungle Fury

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


Don't see why, I agree with most of that. I'm surprised Zeo is your fav though, I rarely see that at the top of people's lists.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


I know it's odd, but I liked Zeo so much because I think it hit the perfect mix of "familiar" and "new". Some old characters, some new characters, the continuing storyline.

I also really liked the Machine Empire as villains.

I only think the "bad" seasons are Turbo and after that, but I have specific reasons why I didn't like this or that season. Like, Lightspeed Rescue, I really WANTED to like. I really liked the idea of a Ranger team that was more like public servants than superheroes. And the Rangers themselves were likable enough. But the villains for Lightspeed Rescue killed that season for me. I couldn't make myself care about the demons.

And most people tell me Mystic Force is too high. It's a guilty pleasure. It kind of had this Xena Warrior Princess/Hercules type feel to it that I found oddly endearing.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


Well i stopped watching power rangers when in space began
And then im back to power rangers when time force is on


Do you guys like the one off season cast or prefer like the original where they were there for multiple seasons? I'm just curious how the power rangers continued without Zordon since he created them no?


I'm just curious how the power rangers continued without Zordon since he created them no?
Well in Space barely had any Zordon, though it ended with his death. The in Space powers maybe came from him, it's never specified. In season to season, powers come from a variety of sources. It seems as long as you can connect to the morphin grid, and have a power source, you can make power rangers.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


MMPR-Turbo it allowed us to see the characters arc. We got to see them grow from teens to adults & as rangers therefore you tend to have more emotional connection to them. Especially if you grew up with them like I did. I pretty much stopped watching after the power transfer in Turbo cause I was no longer interested although I was happy to see a black red ranger/leader. Plus when Amy left, I was pretty sad cause I was invested in Tommy & Kim.

I didn't pick it back up until Ninja Storm & Dino Thunder and that was it. It's weird but I didn't really connect with them like I did the OG's.

A hundred years, just hanging out, feelin' guilty... I really honed my brooding skills. ~Angel


That's sorta how I felt but by that time the only "original" ranger left was tommy. I wish they could have concluded the zordon storyline then instead of carrying it out another season with people who didn't really have any rapport with him.
So fans of the original series how do you feel about the reboot movie? I'm not feeling it at all.


Folks I knew that were into PR had moved on during Zeo so I was still watching off & on. I didn't even know about the death of Zordon until like early 2010 I think.

With all the reboots happening can't say I'm surprised. Not really liking the casting of the red & pink but we'll see. I will say, that pic of the sabre tooth tiger poster looked like a roach. The funny thing is more people want to see the OGs included more than new folks.

A hundred years, just hanging out, feelin' guilty... I really honed my brooding skills. ~Angel


I was hoping for the zords to be more like the original and less alien. The whole thing screams chronicle movie mixed with power Rangers. Not sure if they are trying to make it for the current generation or what but they should have kept some nostalgia in for fans. I would love if the og's turned out to be their parents. I would love to see everyone from the original who us still alive make a cameo as well.


I was 8 years old when MMPR first aired on Fox in 1993. Jason, Trini and Zack being replaced bothered me alot because Jason/Red Ranger became my favorite one, he was cool, awesome and so was Trini especially Zack.

Adam, Aiesha and Rocky were bland and boring I tried accepting them but the show felt different and not as epic and kick ass as when Jason, Trini and Zack were there. My hype/interest for Power Rangers died out after seeing the 1995 movie in theaters.

I would've loved the original cast in the Power Ranger movie though.

Hell yeah, at least.

The show is now on Netflix I've been watching it whenever I want to watch something entertaining that'll pass my time but stopped when Adam, Aiesha and Rocky became the Power Rangers. I had a great childhood and this show played a big part of it.


So was I. I don't remember how I started watching it but I know I was hooked lol. I did like Adam and thought he was a better black ranger but I think Aiesha and Rocky didn't mesh well. Jason was and still is my favorite though. Rewatching the episodes now though I know why he was my favorite lol. I thought it was odd though in the movie how they had different weapons and got their ninja power differently than in the tv show. I remember my mom bought my brother the movie on vhs that year for christmas and every morning while on school break that's all we heard. Uh oh we're in trouble theme song lol.


Rocky and Adam were really only generic characters during MMPR. In Zeo, they started to come into their own and be fleshed out more. Aisha however didn't get a chance for more character development since she left at the end of MMPR.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


I would have loved seeing Jason, Zack and Trini socialize with Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.


Last two episodes they were together Two For One and Opposites Attract Jason, Trini and Zack didn't sound like themselves in the costume fight scenes because the actors stopped showing up at the looping sessions and had to hire voice doubles to finish those episodes.


Saban underpaid those young Power Rangers actors. They had to work 6 days a week all year, only being allowed 2 or 3 weeks off a year and were paid like $650 a week or something. They also had to do conventions and meet and greets etc.

The reason Jason, Zack and Trini left was because they were all fired after demanding more money. They wouldn’t stop and boycotted, as the show can’t film without the 3 rangers, but that backfired and Saban just fired them, stitched random footage for a couple of episodes and shot new material around them, and hired 3 new actors instantly, Rocky, Adam and Aisha.

The only issue Saban gained from that was they had to rewrite the movie script with its new 3 characters and change some stuff, as the movie originally had the original crew and the story was a bit different with them.

reply 274 Yesterday at 7:53 AM


The REAL reason the original Power Rangers were replaced.

-The show was a non-union production so none of the cast and crew were entitled to a minimum wage, paid overtime, benefits or any residuals from syndication.

-The actors were paid $600 a week flat rate despite having to do stunts and working 12-15 hour days and the like.

-The actors who played the original Black (Walter Emmanuel Jones), Yellow (Thuy Trang) and the Red (Jason St. John) rangers attempted to negotiate more money after the initial season was so successful. The 3 actors boycotted doing voiceover work during the 2nd season. They were then summarily replaced by Jonny Yong Bosch, Karan Ashley and Steve Cardenas, respectively.

Saban Entertainment ended up working a rotating cast into the shows canon to avoid having actors request more money as any one ranger was expendable.
