But I don't think we're supposed to compare them. One is his early life leading up to the point when he decided to become Superman, the other is his life as a reporter hiding his secret identity.
It's true, it's very unfair to compare at least the bulk of Smallville to Lois & Clark, they're two very different periods in the lives of their own Clark Kents. Lois & Clark's picking up on Clark after high school, college, his world travels, when he's as far into his late-20s as 27! Smallville's first seven seasons explore a very comphrehensive and thurough approach to Clark Kent's teen years and confusing early 20s, though he only had one semester in college and the world travels got reduced to occasional forced trips around the world, we still got the basics of what led this Kal-El to the point of becoming a reporter at the Daily Planet and eventually assuming a dual-identity.
I think the best and most fair way to compare the two shows would be roughly three years in each case, while the first five eps of Smallville Season 8 are comparable to L&C Supes' early days at the Planet in the pilot, the two start sorta mirroring each other as of the unofficial two-parter "Prey" & "Identity". From there, Smallville's Clark has by now gotten into the start of his journalism career (albeit as a copy-boy/cub-reporter), assumed the heroic alias that (despite the couple Blur-related terms) we know to be the same Man of Steel one day named 'Superman', all on top of the Clark/Lois/Kal-El triangle getting in full gear. While Clark isn't wearing his specs for keepsfor quite the long while, hasn't yet fully mastered flight, let alone donning the iconic suit made by his mother, I'll always argue this final era in the later series does a solid representation of what Lois & Clark Seasons 1-3 did... Superman's Early Years.
Both versions of Superman's Early Years, spanning "Pilot"-"Battleground Earth" of Lois & Clark and "Prey"/"Identity"-"Finale" of Smallville, give us the following:
The entire Clark/Lois/Kal-El triangle ("Pilot"-"And the Answer Is..."/"We Have a Lot to Talk About"-tease for Lois & Clark, "Prey"/"Identity"-"Salvation"/"Lazarus"-tease for Smallville)
A death to Lex Luthor during 'Year One' ("The House of Luthor" for Lois & Clark, "Requiem" for Smallville) and eventual resurrection ("The Phoenix" for Lois & Clark, "Finale" for Smallville)
A surviving colony of Krypton Kal-El nearly takes on the mantle of leading ("Through a Glass, Darkly"-"Battleground Earth" for Lois & Clark, Season 9 for Smallville)
A failed wedding between Clark and Lois ("I Now Pronounce You..."/"Double Jeopardy" for Lois & Clark, "Finale" for Smallville)
Lois knowing Clark's secret (From "We Have a Lot to Talk About"-tease on into the future for Lois & Clark, from "Lazarus"-tease" on into Superman's iconic years for Smallville)
Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel