I could take most of the segments. To this day, I haven't a clue why they made Pinky and the Brain into its own series, when the short segment was just too repetitive to be entertaining. It always had the same little intro song, the same "what are we doing tonight?" thing that you had to sleep through, then after they got through that whole bit, they actually DID something, then ended with the same old "what are we doing tomorrow night" thing. The only time I could stand it was in the quick "Pinky and Rita" bit where she ate him, I felt like I had gotten my revenge. It wasn't Pinky I hated, it was the boringness of Brain and the entire repetitiveness of the segment itself.
Other than that, I didn't have much of a problem. I always thought it was a treat when we saw characters that were rarely shown (due to unpopularity I guess). Also it was kinda annoying when we had to sit through Dot's "I'm so cute" vain moments, but as long as Yakko or Wakko was in the scenes with her, I could take it since those two were my favorites. I could live through Chicken Boo but it was always pointless.
To their defense, I loved Rita and Runt because they would give us a moment to have some sort of sanity, and because it focused on homeless pets. With them, we had a chance to travel to places and learn facts like they used to drown cats in Salem, sacrifice cats in Egypt, make violins of cat guts and make food out of dogs. Being an animal-lover as a kid, I found that interesting. I mostly liked Rita and the beautiful scenes they set up for her songs, she was a cool cat. I didn't like "rainman" Runt so much, but now that I've seen Rainman when I'm older, I see what they were trying to do but the character wasn't very dynamic as a cartoon.
Slappy Rules.
"Pardon me while I have a strange interlude."-Groucho