MovieChat Forums > White Men Can't Jump (1992) Discussion > White men can't jump? Really?

White men can't jump? Really?

We can't? What a ludicrous title.

Would anyone object to this title?:

"Black men can't think".


It’s a clunky title but this seems like a thoroughly modern complaint. 92 was a different time.

The title’s a misnomer anyway considering the movie has a white man who jumps quite well. I always saw it as an ironic title because Woody’s character is a hustler who makes his money from people assuming black men are better at basketball.

I don’t know if this calls for an “imagine if the races were reversed” brouhaha.


Oh I'm not one of those who claims racism against whites. We have privilege. I think it's pathetic when white men try to claim victimhood.

I just think the title comes from people who have no real life experience. Is jumping even an issue?

Sorry, I've heard this movie's title most my life and it's always annoyed me. Bad title.


Yeah, it’s not a great title 😆


You guys probably don't know the context. The movie has a black character and a white character always joking and messing with each other because they became friends.

The black character asks the white character why he doesn't dunk in a game and he makes an excuse that it's because it's showboating for the sake of showboating and the black character says it's because white men can't jump. But towards the end of the movie, he finally dunks the ball on a game winning alley-oop from his black teammate thus "proving" his own teammate, the black man, wrong.

It really is a funny movie.

Here's a funny scene from the movie where he tells him "white men can't jump" as he made a bet that he only needs 3 tries to dunk it:

Here's the ending part where he dunks it:


This other scene from the movie is one of the funniest scenes from any movie in my opinion. A lot of people seem to like this one.


Okay, thanks for context. I just can't relate because I've never heard the stereotype that white men can't be good athletes. It seems like some idea invented in Hollywood by guys who never walk outside.


Actually it was depicted in the film as a stereotype that black men had of White men.

The title comes from blacks being RACIST against whites (imagine that for a subplot in a movie in the 1990s?)

The thing about White men not being able to jump was -- as others pointed out -- a misnomer for the title, because it was one of the smallest elements of the plot dwelled upon in the film.

But yeah, it circulated around the concept of stereotypes black men in bad neighbourhoods had of whites, and how that stereotype was actually wrong (as showcased in the film given that Woody's character was the best basketball player in the film).


More importantly, in the final game, Sidney puts the ball up for Billy to jam it

In other words, Sidney's known all along that Billy CAN jump and counts on him to do so when their victory depends on it


The entire movie is built around playing with stereotypes. The title stems from the perception that black guys use their natural athletic ability, while white guys are more intelligent and hard working.

But they don’t just use stereotypes, they play with them. The white guy is best basketball player in the movie. He uses the unathletic white guy image to hustle people that overlook him because he is white.

Black men can’t think? Sure that’s a stereotype, but the black guy has his life a little more together, and he outsmarts the white guy constantly throughout the movie. It’s the who’re guy that turns to him when he doesn’t know what to do.


My point here is that if you claim white men can't jump in comparison to black men, you're playing into the racist trope that black men are dumb brutes who are good at sports, good at picking cotton, but leave the thinking to us white men.

I dunno, I went to a majority white high school, and there was whole glorified elite of whiteboy athletes, including basketball players. No one overlooked white boys as not being good athletes.

The film's premise is racist, not against white men, but against blacks. "Yeah, you can dribble a ball, but leave the thinking to us."


I agree that they are playing up tropes and stereotypes, but that doesn’t mean that they fit every racial stereotype.

Just dribble and leave the thinking to us applies to white guy in this movie. He’s the best athlete, but he’s kind of a bro. His Puerto Rican girlfriend controls their lives both in direction, and financially, and he constantly messes up by not listening to her. And the Street savvy black guy comes up with all the ideas for them to make money.

I can see how the films premise can be seen as racist, but I’m ok with it because the movie handles it pretty evenly.


"Black men can’t think? Sure that’s a stereotype, "

No its not!!
its just some shit the OP made up on the spot in his post!
to be a sterotype it has to be widely used.


Black people being less intelligent is a pretty common stereotype that’s been around forever. There are many ways that it manifests itself. For example what is the implication when you say someone sounds black vs sounds white when they talk. Or what comes to mind when someone mentions a black school vs a white one?

I’m not trying to argue the whys, or the validity of these things, because I don’t believe them personally, but they do exist.



It's a good movie though, don't get hung up on the title.




Tell that to Baryshnikov.


First of all, I've never seen this movie. I remember when it came out, but I just never got to the theater to see it and I was never able to catch it on TV. It is a movie I'd like to watch (I like both Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson).

I did play high-school basketball in the mid-1980s and I would be the poster child for this movie, since I had "white man's disease." 😃 And I so much wanted to be able to dunk a basketball also...I could touch and even grab the rim, but I couldn't palm a basketball and just couldn't jump high enough to get the ball over the rim, so no dunking from me. 😢

Anyway, having "white man's disease" was a pretty common phrase if you played/followed basketball back in the day. I realize the "double standard" and that it doesn't seem good looking thru today's lenses, but it was actually pretty humorous when I played. And yes, there were indeed some white guys back then who could really dunk (I grew up a Kentucky Wildcat fan and Rex Chapman could really jump, plus Tom Chambers and Larry Bird could throw it down at times).

One of the things that's saddened me about today's world is that I feel like we've lost our sense of humor. Like I mentioned earlier, I realize it may not seem the best situation when seeing this today, but the title is indeed a play on the phrase "white man's disease" (which ended up being true in my case 😃).


Well, I played basketball in high school and I've never heard of this "white man's disease". I understand your point that professional basketball is dominated by black players these days, but I can't acknowledge this fallacy that somehow white men can't be athletes. It's just foolish. I believe most Olympic medals are owned by whites.

I actually wish more white children had their nose in a book rather out in the field playing sports. But that's just not the real world. The title of the movie is just silly. The term "AS IF" sums it up perfectly.

And yeah, sometimes I'm pretty humorless. Sorry. 🤣


Another foreign national who doesn't understand American culture or irony, trying to stir the pot over American IPs.

Of course, he'll pick White Men Can't Jump, which is a buddy film between a black and white guy with onscreen chemistry.

You're not fooling anyone except the other members of your troll farm, who will also jump in with their Latka Gravas-infused grammar to pretend to be Americans offended by what you said. It's all part of the game, isn't it?


Moron, I'm American with a degree in journalism.

But the infamous Russian troll farm strikes again!!! You're an idiot.


case closed.
