The moral and ethical dilemmas in this film...
...are so typical of Eastwoods movies. right back to Dirty Harry. He forces the deck.
Basically the main problems that the movie offers up is the cowboys scarring the prostitute. That's terrible. They don't kill her. But the guys who did it get prices put on their heads. It's like it's saying "This is what happens when you tolerate and legitimise prostitution. And now there's going to be killing. Because of prostitution."
And of course it can't put Eastwoods "heroic" former outlaw up against a normal law man. Eastwood needs to make a point "Yeah. See? If the people who keep the peace and enforce the law are the only ones allowed to carry deadly weapons, then they will be corrupt...." Huh?
It's like in Dirty Harry after Callahan catches up to Scorpio and gets the kidnaped girl's location (too late) and they have that ridiculous scene where the district attorney is furious with him and more interested in the criminals rights. It's utterly preposterous and just makes the issues the movie claims to be treating seriously look as absurd as most social media discussion is these days.
I love Unforgiven. It's a great film. But Eastwood loves to have his cake and eat it and the way the pieces are set on the board for this game is one of the prime examples of it.