MovieChat Forums > Under Siege (1992) Discussion > Hard to watch nowadays due to the Transp...

Hard to watch nowadays due to the Transphobiaia

Gosh, I've got to say I was shocked! I had this in mind as a classic late 80s action film to introduce the kids to (remembering it as such, and yes I know it was made in the 90s but it fits the genre).

However, pretty soon it happened:-

The soup spitting buffoon, in full drag - resplendent in a his dress - reads his file, in which the Captain has suggested he needs a full psychological evaluation. "Do I look like a man who needs a psychological evaluation?" he questions...

You could hear a pin drop in our house before the crying began... "I don't understand papa" said young Poppy, "Why is he saying that, while we get a shot of him in his dress. Are they trying to suggest that would be funny and that transgenders are to be laughed at?". And then the tears began...

I lept across the room desperately turning the blasted machine off but alas it was too late. Poppy sat, knees pulled up, shaking at the disgusting display of transphobia.

Now, I'm not one for censorship but I really believe films containing scenes like this should be removed from the public domain. Today's society has thankfully progressed beyond such disgusting displays of targeted hate baiting.


I'm sure your wife's (black) boyfriend will be on-hand to help out with the kids trauma (Hell, he's likely the biological father to at least two of them, anyhow?)

Apologies for using the words:



The sinister brainwashing, not education, of today's CHILDREN is tyranny and abuse.


But what of yesterday's children?

That scene is clearly an attempt to normalize the vilification of people who are different. And obviously so, as it's so jarringly out of place within the film itself.

Therefore it is impossible to judge whether one making comments regarding the "brainwashing" of today's children is doing so ironically having been a victim of brainwashing themselves.


There was no brainwashing of yesterday's children. They were free to decide instinctively what to think about the mentioned scene. Brainwashing starts when instincts (essential for surviving of the species!) are sacrificed for the benefit of a certain agenda...


They were free to decide instinctively what to think...

About a scene equating transgenderism with mental illness which just so happens to be appearing in the middle of an action movie about a battleship heist?

Surely anyone would concede that's slightly odd and therefore may be able to reason that it too was pushing a "certain agenda". Only it's one that that we became desensitized to, due to what we can now see retrospectively, were very bizarre scenes such as this.


I guess you are just trolling a little...


How's it trolling?

You explain to me the purpose of THAT scene in that film? It's completely incongruous - it had absolutely nothing to do with the plot.


It shows us what kind of characters we are dealing with. Of course it has to do with the plot this way.
And you ARE trolling.


So Tommy Lee Jones' number 2 appearing in drag - and questioning his mental health while doing so - shows his character and therefore develops the plot.

Okay... Think we're done here. Thanks 👍


Transgenderism is mental illness. If you can't comprehend that, it's you who have been brainwashed.


it parody shit like that OP post that makes people say :

"You cant say anything now without the loony lefties getting upset - its PC gone mad"

when in reality nothing happened


In the words of Master Chief Urgayle: "Seek life elsewhere."


Wow are you really complaining about Gary Busey dressing in drag? Pathetic.


You’re being sarcastic, right?


I lept across the room desperately turning the blasted machine off but alas it was too late.

Don't beat yourself up over this - you did what you could after this abominable ambush caught you off guard. You're a good man. I hope little Poppy will be OK.


So Gary Busey cross dressing as a joke makes this movie transphobic? Id say no it doesn't.


Maybe you didn't read the OP properly.

Here's a excerpt for you to re-read:-

The soup spitting buffoon, in full drag - resplendent in a his dress - reads his file, in which the Captain has suggested he needs a full psychological evaluation. "Do I look like a man who needs a psychological evaluation?" he questions...

As you can see that is not the same thing as you said.


He did need a psych evaluation.


Yeah but why did he LOOK like it?

That's transphobia right there...
