Okay it may have a rubbish plot, bad acting, even worse costumes and special effects. BUT IT IS NOT BLAND, it is funny and at times well directed. The hand grabbing Joshua from the floor, the moment in Grampa Seth's story where Joshua narrates from inside the story. And some of the best lines ever delivered in the hostory of horror movies.
This is the same argument people make about Plan 9 From Outer Space...
"For all of it's faults, at least it's not BORING...."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night, I was lying back looking at the stars and I thought...where the *beep* is my ceiling???
This is the same argument people make about Plan 9 From Outer Space...
"For all of it's faults, at least it's not BORING...."
Pretty much this. There's no denying their awfulness, but in a seemingly endless ocean of bland, numbingly boring b-movies, titles like Troll 2 or Plan 9 really stick out in a positive way, simply because they're so outrageous that they manage to hold your interest and entertain you in an unashamedly ridiculous way.
Truly, unsalvageably bad movies are the ones that make you look at the clock every two minutes, hoping for it all to end.
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Ben and Arthur didn't even try, though. There was a shot of a damn FedEx plane taking off that we were supposed to assume was carrying our two sexy heroes....
Don't make Sam Mraovich believe he created a film. He created an abomination.
ok, I'm about ten minutes into this dog, and I have to agree that I would say bad movies are led by the most boring films, like God and Generals, and Plan 9 is def boring also. This isn't really boring. It does move forward, in whatever flawed form, so its not the worst movie ever made.
God, the acting is bad in this one, though. I HATED the kid instantly, and every time he comes on screen, I want him to DIE. He is so annoying. His hallucinations are funny, though. The daughter Holly is SMOKING HOT though - yummy, and so are the other girls. Why would you exchange keys to live on some crappy Utah farm? Why would anyone eat corn with green butter on it, or those weird pale pastries with green frosting or that horrible green koolaid. Then gpa slows down time (longer than the 30 seconds he said). Then he pees on the table? I gotta say I have NEVER SEEN THAT IN A MOVIE. The scene where the guy confronts the dwarfs the first time is HILARIOUS!!! THen the cheesy woman in the church whose descended from druids at Stonehenge Sorry, this movie is an unintentional comedy masterpiece. It';s like one extended SNL skit.
This can't be the worst movie, because its so trashy. I wonder if it made its money back. Troll 1 did 5.6 million in 1986 dollars, so it prob made money.
Actually, it's several steps up from that 50's auteur masterpiece, TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE. Was Tommy Wiseau around somewhere when T2 was shooting, taking notes on a discarded napkin or something?
Tommy Wiseau worships at the holey altar of Drake (Drago) Floyd (whatever the eff his real name is!) "I did not touch her! I did NAHHHHT! Oh HI, Drake!"
I think it all boils down to how you judge movies. I guess there are three ways 1) Did it achieve what they set out to do, 2) is it artistically of a high standard and 3) is it entertaining. Troll 2 may be terrible if you look at it the first or second way but if you rate a films quality by how entertaining it is then you can't possibly call Troll 2 a bad movie as it's far too much fun to watch.
Then again what other term could you use to explain Troll 2?
-- I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
It's an odd situation really. I am torn between giving the film a 1 to help it claim back it's "worst movie" title and rating it what I actually think, which would be about a 3 for entertainment value and credit for having so much more ambition then capability. I compromised and gave it a 2. Anyway, it's not the worst film ever made, but it may actually be the best bad film. I found it more novel and entertaining then Plan 9. Plus it provided the basis for what was an excellent documentary.
-- I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
Vampires Suck is the worse in the feild of it is the most unlikable, and on atechnical level, Star worms II is. Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it! Destroyer of Jokes scince 1903
I caught on to the "Movie" parodies early on and they haven't fooled me by stopping using the "Movie" titles. Again I won't touch those with a barge pole. I really can't figure out why anybody watches that stuff, I guess they just don't pay attention. Either that or they just watched it round a friends house (that guy with the terrible taste in movies).
-- I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I have not and will not bother to see that film (last airbender). I know the rule of SMN films, each one is progressively worse. I stopped watching after The Village and wished I had stopped two films earlier. Anything that's a whole different type of Bad and no one likes actually bad movies. We only like "B-movie bad", where there is actually a lot of charm to the film despite the low quality.
-- I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
There are worse movies than "Troll 2" such as "Where are the Children?", "20 Dates", and "Mad Dog Time" aka "Trigger Happy" but the thing about those and movies like them is that they are unwatchable. In order for a movie to be a movie it must be watchable which disqualifies those movies and any other movie that can be called worse than "Troll 2". Anyone can get behind the camera and put gibberish on film but it doesn't mean it is a movie so "Troll 2" is the worst movie ever made because it is a movie. Nick
There have only been two movies in my movie viewing history that have been painful to watch for me.
1) Dog Day with Lee Marvin. Marvin was a good actor, but this movie just makes you wish it were over. I love David Bennent (who was also in the film), and I have to wonder what possessed him to be in this movie!
2) Skinned Deep. Seriously, I love Warwick Davis, but this movie is just PAINFUL to watch!
"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"
That is a great way to put it. Sadly that is only down to opinion (someone, probably the people involved with those films, found them watchable), but everyone is entitled to one and I'm inclined to agree with yours there.
-- I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
While I absolutely loved watching Troll 2, and laughed quite a bit throughout the whole film, Plan 9 From Outer Space is still a much, much more unintentionally funny movie, and probably is a little bit more incompetent in terms of it from a technical and artistic standpoint. Troll 2 really does not stand up quite as tall if you truly compare it to the "best" of unintentionally funny films made over the years.
I noticed that the upcoming doc on this film is called "Best Worst Movie", and I beg to differ.
I love this movie. I love nightmares now, kinda like being in a horror movie ya know. So i dont get many that accutally scare me. But when i was a kid, those damn goblins scared the crap out of me in my dreams. Just ugly and mean. Pretty cool B movie.