MovieChat Forums > Troll 2 Discussion > Best acting in the movie?

Best acting in the movie?

Who do you think had the BEST acting in the movie?

I think Holly was fairly easily the worst, but I think ironically Creedence had the best with her over-acting. At least she wasn't under-acting, like a lot of them!

There were a few moments where she actually was decently in character (if you don't get distracted by her crazy eyes.)

Perhaps some characters with less screen-time have arguably a better ratio of "well-delivered" lines, though.

What does everyone else think?


There was a fly on that kids forehead as he yells "Oh My God" while watching the trolls eat the girl after she drank the transformation potion . . .
That fly was the BEST actor in the whole film.


I don't think there was any good acting.

Rated R Horror movies are better, no matter the argument.


Deborah Reed was arch and exaggerated--makes the film worth watching. Most of the rest of the cast looked out of a very bad amateur play--line readings that sound totally unnatural. Reed looked like she was doing comedy.


Sheriff is decent. Girls! hahahahahha
