MovieChat Forums > Peter's Friends (1992) Discussion > How is this not out on dvd?

How is this not out on dvd?

At least here in the U.S., anyway? This is such a fun movie with a great ensemble (and let's face it: Ken and Emma are so adorable together, aren't they?) and where is it? True, its been a while since I've seen it, but when I looked into adding it into my collection and found I really couldn't (my dvd player won't do other regions, I'm pretty sure) I was just so bummed. C'mon, Ken! Release this on dvd in The States with some good extras. It looks like it must have been fun to work on, and it seems like there'd be something to that effect to put on the disc.
Sorry, just a little rant.


I'm pretty sure that this movie has not been released in DVD, *period*. I've been looking for Peter's Friends on DVD since 1999 and haven't found a single reference to its release, not even in UK. Sad, but true.


This movie is available in the UK on DVD and has been for some time now. Hopefully it will be available in the States in the not too distant future. Wish I knew what the hold up was.


I would love to see this movie on DVD.
"Check and Mate, Sucker!"


me, too!!!

I love everything that Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry are in!!! I'm also waiting for them to release "A Bit of Fry & Laurie" on DVD!!!





I found this movie on Ebay( as many other ones not released in the USA, I live in Puerto Rico, for example; "La Puta y la Ballena") on Pal format. I was tired of reading about good movies and not been able to find them in NTSC format, so I bought a code free DVD player and I have movies not released in this part of the world. Best buy I ever made, also bought another DVD player for my sons that live with their mother. This opened a new world to us.


I've seen it over here in the UK (my sister still owns the vhs copy) but while I considered getting it for her as a replacement for the long suffering tape cassette, there is hardly anything on there other than the film. Now most people will buy a film just for the main feature but I feel with Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry and Ken Branagh in the cast, a retrospective commentary or something would've been a nice extra. Great film but too expensive to justify buying it right now.


Peter's Friends was released on Region 2 DVD in the UK in 2001, but is generally quite difficult to get hold of (I've never seen it in the shops). However I have just done a search for it myself to get a copy and found that at least 2 of the major UK online retailers have copies in stock.


I'm wondering if there's a problem with the music rights. I imagine this flick was made before music rights for the DVD were something you took care of when you got the music rights for the film proper.

Which is sad, because I really want this on DVD as well! Maybe if I cross my fingers for another three years...


I have it on dvd... I got it on Amazon! :) Its fantastic!x (the film and Amazon!) :)

Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister


Nope, still can't find the right DVD format for the states. I think it's a national conspiracy to minimize all things Rudner.


why dont you consumers in the states demand to get up to the same level of technology as the rest of the world.

here in EU it is nearly impossible to get a DVD player that isnt both PAL and NTSC, and for a few bucks more u get it regions free.

raise the demand by asking in the stores, in the end they will have to give in to demand.

another thing is that pal is supperior to ntsc, do to the higher resolution and different way of calculating the colours.



Good point about the DVD players. I'm at university, so I generally play my DVDs on my laptop. Considering that the manufacturers might not know where the individual computers are going to end up in the world, it makes sense that they, at least, would be region-free.

You wouldn't know a joke if it got up and gave you a haircut - Edmund Blackadder


I've got it on DVD. From Tesco. It was going cheap...yay. Shame about the extras being non-existent though!

Twelve times did the iron register of time beat on the sonorous bell metal



Almost fifteen years later, and I am still unable to forget their rendition of "The Way You Look Tonight." I have been unable to find a soundtrack release. Any ideas?


The film soundtrack is out there, but (very, very sadly) this song with the group singing it is not on there. Hell, that's half the reason I bought the cd. I wish there was some way to get it....

~~RIP: Glenn Quinn May 28, 1970 - Dec. 3, 2002~~



I have made an MP3 of the friends singing "The Way You Look Tonight" if anyone wants it. I was looking for it forever, too. Had to rely on myself in the end. Post or PM.

Please note, I do not have the full movie.


I would! I'm at [email protected]

Would be most appreciative!



Hi! Could you send me that file, too? My e-mail is: [email protected]



I ended up buying a VHS copy from eBay so I can watch it (here in the U.S).

"Say thank you, Gilbert. Say thank you."


Can it be rented from Netflix?


I agree with you. This should definitely be available on DVD. It was recently televised on the LOGO Cable network, but it was edited. I'd love to see the unedited version. I don't understand why it hasn't been released in the US. Especially now that Hugh Laurie is such a hot actor due to his success in House M.D. Other older works of his are selling like hotcakes, this would as well because it's also an excellent movie. Not to mention that it also stars Emma Thompson, Kenneth Brannaugh and Rita Rudner. Come on, there has to be a smart distributor out there who can help us!


I finally was able to buy "Peter's Friends" here in Canada on DVD!!! Am very excited to finally have my very favourite Fry & Laurie movie. But very disappointed that there is no bonus material. No commentary, no interviews, no featurettes at all.
But after such a long wait I am very happy to finally have the DVD!! :o)


It is, now. My husband gave me a copy for my birthday last week, and I was so glad because our video copy was just about worn out. He got it at WalMart, I believe.

And yes...I LOVE 'The Way You Look Tonight.' It is one of the loveliest arrangements of that lovely song that I've ever heard. We're still trying to hunt down the soundtrack.
