I just wanted to voice my opinion on this subject, so sorry if it does not correspond well with the general trend of this thread.
I found this movie repulsive. I understand, why this is considered comedy and I think it was very funny, but all the killing and raping was just too much for me. I can understand, why there are people who love this movie and why there are people, who hate it, but I cannot understand, why there are people who just find it ok or just like it. I think there is so much humor and so much violence, that it works really well by contrast. All these statements from the main character, all his views, they are collated with so much violence and so much killing, we are supposed to see it as normal part of his life. One could say, just an average Joe. And even if I understand all that, I still cannot say I liked it. I hated it, as I hated the main character and as I hated all those people from the tv crew and just as I hated Mallory and Mickey Knox. I know this is satire, but I just cannot pass the senseless violence indifferently and I hate any attempts at glorification of it (and I don't say, this is the message if this movie).
On the other hand, I love Ichi the killer (however I have really big problems watching some parts of it and I even close my eyes ;), so it is not all that simple.