MovieChat Forums > C'est arrivé près de chez vous (1993) Discussion > am i the only one who was repulsed by th...

am i the only one who was repulsed by this film?

I watched this film some time ago and i do not think i could bring myself to watch it again, i genuinely felt nauseated by the end, the murders of old ladies and a child were sopposed to make me laugh? i do like black comedy but somehow i have failed totally to grasp the humour in this film, i know i am in a minority because there are so many plaudits from people who are as normal as myself and find it funny, i am not criticising people who liked the film but i am perplexed by its popularity.


I didn't find this movie repulsing at all. I really enjoyed it. 8/10.


I too find this movie a "satirical" mockumentary of a serial killer, that was made in a "kind of funny sick way", but I didnt laugh at any of the scenes that were meatn to be "funny"...

From the very beggining, like 5 seconds after the start of the film, were he starts killing an inocent peasant in a train, I didnt find this movie in any way funny...

I even found very sickening the fact that the crew happily started to help him on his crimes in murdering innocent people but acted like crybabies when the people killed crew members...

What I found reconforting was the fact that the relatives of the people he insanely slayed started to seek revenge...

This is an interesting movie that tries to be funny... but in that humor way, nothing more than an experiment gone wrong.

For the ones who liked its sense of humor, I recommend you "Funny Games", you're just gonna crack in laughs with it :D

Greetings from Peru :)


Yeah me too. when he killed that woman on the train my mouth dropped. i was like in total WTF? mode. also when he they do the montage of gun murders.

then he talks about weighing down corpses. The actual murders are not funny, but the parts that are meant to be are.

Like when benoit kills the black guy, and then tells the one guy to take off his pants to see the size of his penis. that was so dark, and it was so funny.

Didn't laugh during funny games. that's not a mockumentary however.


I doubt you are the only one. I actually had to turn it off after 25 minutes because I felt the writers had simply taken the absurdity of their comedy too far. I love black comedy and have a very dry, twisted sense of humour but I certainly felt uncomfortable when Ben was making numerous racist comments about black people. I guess I didn't find the humour particularly clever. Perhaps there genuinely is a cultural divide as some say (I'm canadian) which has prevented my enjoyment of the film but I doubt it. I actually liked the idea of this movie and laughed out loud during numerous parts (such as his explanation of how to sink a body properly) but on the whole I was feeling too uncomfortable for me to enjoy the film. I think what bothered me in fact was not Ben, but that a camera crew was following him and had no objections to his actions. That is what took the soul from the film and made it feel a little Snuff-y.
Ultimately I think the film would have been funnier if, for instance, the camera crew hadn't observed the deaths or at least not as many, and we either heard Ben committing the deed or simply saw him come out of a room with blood on his hands. But I am a big fan of subtle humour so that is simply my bias.


So the casual murder of random people didn't deter that viewer, but after a few racist comments were thrown around it all got too much and he had to switch it off. Healthy civilisation, ours.


Sorry but all these people who feel they had to turn the film after X amount of minutes really, really, really need to loosen up a bit. Tbh the amount of time spend on exploring something of a 'taboo' (children, old people) is offset with the scenes of our Ben espousing his love of art, music, architecture. I find this juxtaposition hilarious and, despite the completely unrealistic composite character that Ben ultimately is, I find the possibility of such a person existing day to day in the real world funny as *beep*


No you aren't the only one. I was truly sickened by this. Worse than any other movie I've seen. Worse than Blood Sucking Freaks. I saw absolutely no humor in it.

Call me an American if you want to (as I am).


blood sucking freaks was great


Nope. I loved this. I wasn't able to see the rape scene, because I was watching it on a website that had to cut it. The murder of the kid made me feel the same as Ben, bothered. He doesn't like to commit infantcide, and he felt like sh!t after butchering the family as well. The movie had it's moments, like the birthday scene and finding the other film crew in the abandoned building.

I have a dark sense of humor, so this stuff amuses (and entertains) me.

I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of dumb people. - Sophia from "Kid Nation"


No, you weren't. After the rape scene, I had to turn it off. Too much for me. I've learned over the years that I don't have to feel guilty about turning off a movie.

There are movies that I'm curious to see, such as "Irreversible" and "Antichrist", mainly because I heard that they're so hard to watch and I'm wondering what all the fuss is about. But I know that I'll regret it if I see them.

I don't believe that disturbing is always a good quality in a film. It's all up to personal taste, so don't feel bad.


I just wanted to voice my opinion on this subject, so sorry if it does not correspond well with the general trend of this thread.
I found this movie repulsive. I understand, why this is considered comedy and I think it was very funny, but all the killing and raping was just too much for me. I can understand, why there are people who love this movie and why there are people, who hate it, but I cannot understand, why there are people who just find it ok or just like it. I think there is so much humor and so much violence, that it works really well by contrast. All these statements from the main character, all his views, they are collated with so much violence and so much killing, we are supposed to see it as normal part of his life. One could say, just an average Joe. And even if I understand all that, I still cannot say I liked it. I hated it, as I hated the main character and as I hated all those people from the tv crew and just as I hated Mallory and Mickey Knox. I know this is satire, but I just cannot pass the senseless violence indifferently and I hate any attempts at glorification of it (and I don't say, this is the message if this movie).
On the other hand, I love Ichi the killer (however I have really big problems watching some parts of it and I even close my eyes ;), so it is not all that simple.

