I watched this film some time ago and i do not think i could bring myself to watch it again, i genuinely felt nauseated by the end, the murders of old ladies and a child were sopposed to make me laugh? i do like black comedy but somehow i have failed totally to grasp the humour in this film, i know i am in a minority because there are so many plaudits from people who are as normal as myself and find it funny, i am not criticising people who liked the film but i am perplexed by its popularity.
Are you american? It seems to me that to love this movie you have to be either from France or Belgium (maybe Quebec, I don't know if they can understand Poelvoorde's humor)
gabisu, that does seem to be the consensus around this board. I also thoroughly enjoyed this movie, even though I didn't even know the premise when my roommate put it in. I quickly realised that it was a comedy, and I understood much (if not all) of it. I am American, and generally politically conservative (if that matters), yet I still "got it".
It's pretty annoying to look at each thread and see "Americans don't get it" everywhere. It is also very annoying to see people say "this movie sucks!!" just because it was in black & white and a different language, though...
Wow, how novel, an American Republican from Texas? Who woulda thunk it. lol
I'm an American Democrat from Texas, and I rated this a 6. Mainly because I expected better and/or wittier (only the birthday scene approached comic potential).
Most of the film was repulsive violence (not that there's anything wrong with that).
But I love when Europeans poke fun of Americans. It's so cute and amusing. I think we Texans can agree on that, no?
i love how people boil down america into one guy. you can literally change the word america into "bob" and it would make more sense "bob is so stupid" "bob never gets anything" "bob has no culture"
I'm from Québec and I LOVE this film (and the humour in it) and so do a lot of my Quebec film buff friends. En fait, l'accent de Poelvoorde y est pour quelque chose ! Cette façon qu'il a de se déformer la bouche quand il prononce le mot "TOUJOURS" (- l'amour traîne une odeur, un peu comme quand tu vas pisser et que tu te pisses sur les doigts. T'as beau te laver les mains, ça sent TOUJOURRRRS ... ;-))) On adore cet accent Belge !
"Je chiais la nuit, je chiais le jour Je chiais partout, je chiais toujours ..." ;-))
as an American, I just wanted to say that although many in the country have stricter attitudes towards this kind of film. The humor wasn't lost on everybody. Personally I love this movie.
There are funny moments in this film, but there are also gruesome moments that are disturbingly violent. The rawness of the film's style makes the violence seem all the more real, and therefore more disturbing. To say that this movie is a comedy, I think, is off-base, but what I call a comedy may be different than what someone from another country thinks of as comedy. For me, the moment in Pulp Fiction where Vincent shoots Marvin in the face was not at all funny, and to be in a theater where people were laughing at that bothered me. But the ensuing dialogue between Vincent and Jules and their reaction to the situation was funny to me, and I could laugh at that (although maybe we shouldn't be laughing at that either). When we see graphic violence, and not the tv-Batman ka-pow! violence but realistic, bloody violence, as comedy, I think there is something wrong. But from my perspective, the violence in this movie was not intended to be comical, and so although there are funny parts to this movie, I wouldn't call it a comedy.
Thanks Walton , that answer made good sense to me, yep i didnt laugh when Marlon got shot, but the ensuing dialogue was funny,so i guess its all about being on a wavelength that can laugh at suffering and death to get man bites dog, but i cant, oh well!
i dont understand how people say this movie is sick, its repulsive. i found it hilarious. its realistic looking, but its only a movie. you should watch the news now theres scary stuff.
moviemakers would make a movie about anything that sells. There's no limits for them as long as the investment pays off nicely. Maybe that's the point the directors wanted to make? Violence always sells. When Ben was killing a guy with the big camera the other one was more concerned about the camera than his shot friend. So, it looks like they wanted to show the paparazzi essence of the modern movie makers.
If the idea was not that, but just to produce a black humour movie, then I would totally agree with the ones who say the movie is disgusting. I could not quite concentrate on the jokes - so appaling were the violence scenes.
To me it seemed like a test - how far you can go and to which scene one should get to as to understand that it's not made to entertain, but to make a point about the excess of violence on the screens.
lol thanks for the sarcasm but its a rhetorical question:)i just wanted to know if other people didnt get from the film the same joy that so many others appear to have done, i dont find it funny i was interested to know why other people did, thats all .
He's such a badass, and—like in a good comedy—you're just waiting for the comeuppance ... and then you hear him say Italians are "small time," and you just know karma's about to kick in.
_____ "The wisest man is therefore he who loafs most gracefully." ~ Lin Yutang
whats wrong with reality?? does it disturb you that much?? to live, to breath, to walk amongst us?? this happens EVERYDAY. look it up; obviously you have an internet conection.
Thanks but in reality child abuse rape and murder are not fun or funny, saving private ryan or reservoir dogs showed real gritty voilence i could not see any humour in this i did understand the context of its use, why then should i laugh at the voilence in man bites dog which was just as harsh in its portrayal of voilence, sheesh i only asked if any one else didnt get it, for me its pretty UNREALISTIC to laugh at the voilence in the film but its only opinions y know as you said it happens everyday so whats to laugh at, its pretty damn sad that it happens everyday! You think its realistic to laugh at child murder? your reality is pretty far out there !
Am i looking for support? what on earth are you talking about, i am not trying to get the film banned, this is a discussion board where people exchange viewpoints on films they have seen, if you accept man bites dog is a film then this is an appropriate site to dicuss it:)