lol chill out sandspider. i've seen some *beep* up real *beep* that people put on video, don't need to be a dick about it, could have just been like "lol, 'course it's fake heh heh heh' i'm just sayin. you've never asked a dumb question before? p.s if you say no you're a damn liar lol
Kudos to you for telling both of those people that they could have replied a little nicer~!! Why some people have to be rude is beyond me. And you'd be amazed at some of the TRUE stories that are so bizarre, that you'd think they were made up. So to ask if it was real or not is not a stupid question. Some people just have to be dicks. Anyways, have a good day Komplete! :-)
arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. even if you win, you're still retarded
Wanted to reply just to point out that this saying is still being used by people daily. Your comment proves that it's been around for at least 5 years. I absolutely hate it. People are so unoriginal and think they're smart for quoting... *sigh* It's not even true to begin with. Words have a meaning, even when not exchanged personally.
No offense to you, though. It's just getting really old, NOW.
Hit the reply button on MY post (only) if it's ME you want to reply to.
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yes you would have to be somewhat in the lower intellect if you couldn't tell whether this film is fake or not but i don't think the OP has seen the film and is just roaming these boards looking for an answer.
They must be stupid if they can't tell whether that is real or fake
Stupid? How do you know what the person's experience with Western cinema is? I work in academia and I know PLENTY of VERY intelligent people from other cultures who wouldn't know if this was a documentary or mockumentary. I'm talking about PhD candidates and older professors, mostly from Eastern Europe and Asia. I'm willing to be that they are more educated and have higher IQs than you. My 72 y/o Chinese neighbor was a physician but she is completely confused by American"reality" TV, and would no doubt be confused by this as well. What's stupid is your simplistic and sweeping assessment of the question,
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Nothing Hotshotsh87, it's just that we don't exactly consider the average American to be the smartest of all people.
A lot of them know only the USA and sometimes seem to believe that the rest of the world only consists of terrorists and Neanderthalers. But there are exceptions to every rule and from time to time we still come along one that appears to be a lot smarter and knows that there is more in the world than Hollywood movies and the good old USA.
Greetings from Belgium Philip -------------- I saw my whole life flash before my eyes! ...It was boring! (Chicken Run)
We have more stupid people in America then anything else...sadly, most are in high power roles. I really don't blame other countries for their attitudes toward America either.
I'm not Ashamed to be an American, I'm ashamed for the idiots we have to share oxygen with...
Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits. It says "OOOOOO". Peter, those are Cheerios.
" we don't exactly consider the average American to be the smartest of all people. "
uhhhh, thats how the whole concept of averages works. and guess what.... all nations have their average people. hopefully that had occurred to you at some point later down the road.
thanks for showing us that non-Americans are real geniuses. 8)
it's just that we don't exactly consider the average American to be the smartest of all people.
A lot of them know only the USA and sometimes seem to believe that the rest of the world only consists of terrorists and Neanderthalers. But there are exceptions to every rule and from time to time we still come along one that appears to be a lot smarter and knows that there is more in the world than Hollywood movies and the good old USA.
Those statements make you sound just as ignorant and worldly unsophisticated as the Americans you're disparaging.
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Re: Is this real or fake? by - Komplete on Wed Aug 3 2005 16:14:52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lol right on. better than american
--I'm an American, and a lot of Americans are not that bad. It's our goddamn President that's the problem.--
Its your nation that's the problem, although that's not to say the pres aint a dickhead. Its the whole 'I'm in a movie' attitude everybody has. Everything gotta be big and loud and annoying.
Stupid isn't the first word that comes to mind though; I'd say lame. Americans are lame.
Do you honestly think simply our movies and television represents 100% of us? I have a better idea; why don't you engage us in conversation instead of making sweeping generalizations?
I am not always happy about the United States of America, and I am not always happy about our politics or pop culture, but it does not represent me, a man who has spent all 27 of his years here.
Nothing is more damaging than making false assumptions. I am a well educated, extremely well traveled American who has a head on his shoulders, not in the least jingoistic or xenophobic.
You people certainly aren't making yourselves out to be any better by stereotyping every American citizen as some kind of closed minded ass. We aren't all like President Bush, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Novak, or Zell Miller.
Right on. Who do these people think they're? I'm so tired of the whole anti-US rhetoric. Were you guys eating a McDonalds or drinking Coke while you criticized the US? Or were you watching one of those European movies that your goverment has to pass laws so that they're shown at all? I have to say, I lived in Europe 2 years (I'm from CUba) and then came to Northamerica because people over here are far more accepting and tolerant. IN Europe if you dont' have the right accent, you're scre*d. In the US and Canada more immigrants own houses and make more money than anywhwre in Europe.
Yeah - it's funny how practically every war fought in the world was begun by Europeans.
And oh, your welcome for saving your asses during both world wars (that were both started by Europeans). We could've stood by, and you guys would all be talking German now. Whatever floats your boat....
And now that Europe has formed a UNION - yes, Erouope can be viewed like the US. A single entity, with smaller satellite entities (the individual countries of Europe are now the equivalent of the 50 individual states in the US).
And since you guys have this crazy affliction of judging other people without ever meeting them. You go live your lives. And when the middle east lobs a few nukes your way, we'll just sit back and enjoy the fireworks. Kind of like Nero fiddiling as he watched Rome burn to the ground. And we'll just come in after you all are vaporized, and take everything you ever held near and dear.
Oh - and what cracks me up are people from Canada and the Netherlands are making fun of the US. Canada, we'll quit laughing at you guys when those little French pussies quit running your country into the ground. And the Netherlands? What exactly have you done to contribute to the world in general?
That's right. Jack *beep*
If anyone is stupid, it's Europe and Canada. It's called a history class, people. Apparently, they don't have them in these locations. And Britan, don't make me laugh - it was the US that brought down the mighty British empire. Oh, and how many countries do you gys still occupy? Awnser that? You still occupied Hong Kong up until a few years ago....
The question begs to be asked, how would you know if it wasn't real? How many of us have ever REALLY seen the things that supposedly take place in this movie and are thus qualified to say 'oh that's so obviously fake!'?
See, I watched this at my girlfriend's house yesterday; someone let her borrow it and told her it was real...
About ten seconds into the movie I noticed the first victim blink her eyes after she "died"
I understood it was fake, and yet, had a hard time watching it, the rape scene made me sick... not only because of the graphicness, but because it was a thing that actually happens, a very sickening thing...
As for the whole "are Americans stupid controversy" I find it funny that others are so stuck up and believe that they are the best, and then say the same about Americans... Don't get me wrong, there are Americans that claim they are the best, but there are Europeans and Africans and Asians that do the same... It is HUMAN ARROGANCE... Not a specific race...
People do a good job of only showing the bad sides of themselves... A majority of the people I know are quite intelligent, speak many languages and are very open minded... but you don't hear about them because they don't help others prove their point about a certain race...
It would be like me only looking at the bad side of everything, there are some wonderful people out there, they just go unseen, unnoticed, and unheard....
"The question begs to be asked, how would you know if it wasn't real? How many of us have ever REALLY seen the things that supposedly take place in this movie and are thus qualified to say 'oh that's so obviously fake!'?"
True... then again he is riding around France at a high speed firing a gun off at cars going by...
And generally people don't instantly die when shot...
In any case, it didn't seem enough like a documentary to me, there wasn't enough background sounds going on when talking in public places... there were other things here and there that didn't remind me of other documentaries I had seen...
It is a comedy It amuses me because Benoit totally reminds me of a cat I know for some reason, I am tickled by the dude's mannerisms depite his "monstrous" hobby/passion oh well, I hope no one I love is ever brutally murdered
definately cinema! the actor was chosen the 8th most important belgian that ever existed in the french speaking part of belgium. And actually he deserves it! One hell of a guy, I didn't really know him until some weeks ago when he appeared in a quite popular late night show on flemish TV (Flanders is the dutch speaking part in belgium). And he stole the show (as we say in dutch). So weird that in one part of the country this guy is seen as an absolute hero and in the other part no one really knows him. As for the american vs. european sh** and the other way around: Get a life! This is a time to stick together not to argue and express prejudices! We europeans have our idiots as well, yet (I hope) we don't consider 90% of the europeans as idiots! Except for people from Holland ofcourse :p (Just kidding ;) )
Yeah, stop insulting everyone, you xenophobic jackasses. Can't we all just get along, you stinky, bigmouthed fruitcakes? Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you, you arrogant octoroons?
I love this site. Almost every thread turns into some kind of America bashing contest. It always makes me feel better about myself.
by - gerrywos(Thu May 4 2006 17:59:28 ) UPDATED Thu May 4 2006 17:59:49 Dumbest question ive read on imdb,o wait! what about the "is the blair witch real?" question that stupid yanks keep asking over and over,
Same here! Only I always see a bunch of stupid Africans asking it!
There are stupid people in every country.. The fact that you are making sweeping generalizations about a country with 300 million people in, all of whom are diverse and different, is proof-positive that it is, in fact, YOU that are stupid.
The movie is actually the only time the French have shown they have balls since........well......uh.....
You only know stereotypes about France I guess, but that's also the case for most Europeans about the US. Anyway, this is not even a French movie as the other poster said. If you want a great French film with balls you should see "Du Rififi Chez Les Hommes ", although the lead actor is actually Belgian as well. Also released by Criterion and planned to be remade in 2007 with Al Pacino.
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You know, I want to say that the average US citizen isn't stupid. In reality, though, they are. Please, do not generalize all of us in this category, though. Not all of us are (or even the majority) close-minded and unknowledgeable about other cultures. I myself love Bollywood and have plenty of friends who speak other languages and have visited many countries. I have visited India, Brazil, and all of North America including Canada/Mexico/ect. I also speak fluent Russian.
I just find it incredibly funny that someone can accuse the average American of not being aware of other cultures when they can lump us into the status-quo fanatical Christian. Come on. How do you think we feel when the population of France is engrained to us as snobby people who would never condescend to speak to you? I do not think of France that way, but others do. Why must this false idea of both countries be presented as such?
I'm sorry that most unintelligent correspondence comes from Americans, but be honest. We all have our faults.. Mainly our government in the US... It BREEDS stupidity.
You see, the United States is based upon constitutional rights. We can't go back on them, so there's not much we can do about the general attitude or ignorance of our citizens. Not to mention that the US is quite a big place... It's very much different depending on where you go. Hell, there's even variations of the English language here.
I, too, hate the idea that most of the United States population are uneducated, but you can't just blame the citizens. When you have a Republican controlled government that only cares about 1 percent of our population, there tends to be a problem with education. Parents of students can't afford schooling (especially College if they make it there.) and the government doesn't give schools enough money to properly educate everyone. We're just as powerless as you, so please don't let some 13 year old, closet-Christian kid ruin your interpretation of the average citizen. You would be hypocritical to. Chances are, if this child was presented better views and ideas and could be given a heartfelt lesson on World History or World Studies he/she may have a different view. His teacher is probably more worried about getting food to THEIR kids than providing a good study for their students. Not to mention a number of other variables... Aren't we pretty far down there when it comes to education, anyway?
I don't want to sound mean or come off sounding like the US is the best country out there (it is by far not). For some warped reason we're pictured as gun-toting, redneck, super Christians who have an incredible superiority complex and a bad case of teeth.
I just don't want the general sentiment to be that all Americans are like our previous posters. Most of our citizens are brainwashed products of conservative parents. Incorrect ideas passed down through generations.
To note, because we have the freedom to drive gas-guzzlers doesn't mean we should. This should metaphor most ideas of America. We give the right to be a lazy moron, but we certainly don't condone it. And to say that Americans do not empathize with other countries? Most people from other countries turn a blind eye and talk critical of us on discussion boards, quick to point out what we're doing wrong, but unable to realize that the political process has nothing to do with the average American. Swiftboating/Lobbying/ect. all affects who comes to power. The electorial college? For four years we must endure people making decisions for us, and even then there are people willing to vote in a person who has no good-will just because of what they promise but do not follow up with. Those of us who ARE intelligent and understanding of the United State's needs are usually in catatonic depression over our inability to change things. You may think we all have a voice, but we don't.
I just wanted to post this because I see this same type of discussion many places. No ill will toward anybody, because I can understand looking into the US from another country. Out of all democracies out there (or the ones we have forced upon countries.) we are the most twisted. And, yes, there is probably 10x more stupidity running amok in the US than any country... But we have our worth.. Talk to any American Progressive... They'll tell you. :)
To finally close... Even some of our citizens are nice, intelligent, and understanding, however, we are a nation of strong views and pride. It's hard for anyone to accept being wrong, and even then, most of them wont admit it.
Some Americans: Filthy rich without any regard to understanding because they don't have to. Most others: So poor they could hardly care, and if they do they can't peice together a sentence fragment to express so. Rest of us: Just like me.
Oh, yeah... and "C'est arrivé près de chez vous" is a wonderful movie. Sick... Twisted... But, wonderful.
Edited to add a Bill Hicks quote:
"I was over in Australia, and everyone's like: 'Are you proud to be an American?' And I was like, 'Um, I don't know, I didn't have a lot to do with it. You know, my parents *beep* there, that's about all."
What war in have you fought?The war of whanking and cumming? I am from Estonia,and once i was surprised when i did a chat in net with an american.I said "I am from Estonia",and he replied,that he had visited Estonia,told me about places,that usually people outside Est don`t know.Also,some funny stuff from commercials.Some estonians went to US a couple of years ago,and they asked pople:"What do you know about Estonia?"Over 50 percent of people replied to that:"Is it a new cheeseburger?"I myself was ashamed.Also Andy Wilsons movie "Playing god" gangsta came ino tha room,and yelled something a là:"come quick,they shot andy"the otha crook replied "were those the russians?" "No,they were the fu**ing estonians."Also one part in tv-series "Alias",your heroine went to Paldiski,(it`s an old military base and a city in Estonia),to dismantle some soviet weapons.WAKE UP YOU IDIOTS,THERE AREN`T ANY SOVIET UNION AND NAZIS,SECRET WEAPONS AND ETC ETC ANYMORE!You have had only two wars on the surface of US.The second world war only fu**ed up your economy,but here,people died.AND I REPEAT;THERE ARE NO NAZIS OR SOVIET UNION.WAKE UP!And terrorists,wow,you call iraqis terrorists?Why,because they defend their country!
Actually, many countries of the former-USSR still have huge stockpiles of all kinds of Soviet-era weapons, some of them nuclear and chemical. There's a few countries where there are ex-Soviet ammo-dumps left practically (and in some cases completely) unguarded. And when the block fell, many of those weapons (bombs, explosives, ...) were sold on the black market, and will be for decades to come.
Oh, and WW2 strenghtened the US economy, not weakened it, that's when they took the final step to becoming a superpower. BTW, plenty of Americans died on European soil, and even if their current govt. and actions are a scandal, we still owe them atleast some respect for that. No, that doesn't mean we have to act like a bunch of Yes Men, sniffing their bums.
--Oh so there's different kinds of rednecks,thanks buddy.You guys are a joke,the only thing any of you know about different cultures and people,you read in some fuc*ing book or watched in some movie.Ive been all around the world and you think because I have pride in my country that I dont know how to experience or appreciate other cultures.You think Im an ignorant American because I didnt just sit there and let a bunch of people bash us!!!!!Yet no one has taken the time to call any of you people ignorant for your constant stereotypes about Americans,what a joke.You say you have pride in your country,how many of you have fought for your country.Probably not many,but while I was out doing it,and meeting the many diverse men and women who fight for ours and your freedom,you we're reading some fuc*ing book about it.You people think you're so high and mighty,you've got no idea about loss and sacrifice,watching friends die;leaving people back home.....but i bet you could quote "Platoon" and "Private Ryan" .--
First of all thank you for your replies. It's always nice to see that there are still people interested in what other people have to say. But I've got one question for you: Where does all your frustration come from? You seem to consider yourself as a smarter-than-average person, but you sometimes make remarks that haven't been thought of very well.
Saying that the average person from Limburg certainly isn't a rocket-scientist(for all non-Belgians over here a little explanation - the rest of Belgium makes fun of them because they consider them to be legging behind at least 10 years) is one of them. True, not all people in this province are very smart, but I'm sure that there wouldn't be that much of a difference when you compare them to the average person from the other side of the country. I've lived and worked in 5 of our 1à provinces and haven't seen that much difference. Being smart has nothing to do with the region you come from. It isn't even just a question of IQ, it also has a lot to do with your interest in the rest of the world, with your willingness to empathise,...
Your second remark, saying that all people who drive a 4x4 are stupid because they should drive a cheaper car that runs on petrol,... feels a lot like cheap popular 'green' talk to me. It's true that most of these cars will never see the terrain they were intended for, but there is still something like freedom of choice in this country. We CAN drive this type of car if we want to, just like we CAN drive a Ferrari or a Lamborghini (they are somewhat smaller and there isn't a diesel version of these cars, but the consumption certainly isn't any less). And you know what: the government isn't too keen on banning these cars out of our streets either because people who drive big cars have to pay big taxes as well, so in the end they earn a lot by keeping them on the roads. But anyway, I wonder what your solution to the problem is? "People can drive whatever car they want, as long as it is a car with a 1 liter petrol engine from brand X?" I hope we will still be able to choose the color. :)
You said that you had plenty of other examples to prove how stupid Europeans in general and the Belgians in particular are: share them with us, I'm sure they are interesting.
One more thing: calling the other person in a discussion stupid (quote: "and you're not so bright yourself.") only proves that you don't think you're standing in a strong position. Action always causes reaction, especially in communication. It's too easy to attack someone, it's so much more harder to face him while trying to get him out of his defensive position by going for the more diplomatic approach. It's easier to sit by the sideline and to judge than to actually do something about a situation. And yes that's one of the problems over here in Belgium, especially in politics. Instead of going for a solution, they only try to throw mud at the others (already one example less that you have to give hehe).
By the way: Yes I'm a Limburger (moved here 8 years ago and I love the friendly people), but no I don't drive a BMW X5 or any other gas guzzling monster. I don't have the money to buy that kind of cars and even when I did, I wouldn't, because I'm happy with my family car.
Kind regards Philip
-------------- I saw my whole life flash before my eyes! ...It was boring! (Chicken Run)