First of all, sorry for my bad english.
Quote by "boggajons": "The movie is bad."
Quote by "boggajons": "But it is very entertaining."
There are movies which are bad but entertaining, I wouldn't count Buffy here, but everybody has a right for his own opinions.
Quote by "boggajons": "The show isn´t very good"
And why?
Quote by "boggajons": "and contains laughable special effects"
Well, in some way you're right, the special effekts haven't been award worthy, but I it's not, like they had millions of dollars to blow, and actually, I prefer a well told story with bad cgi, than off-bloning effects but in a crap like the matrix.
Quote by "boggajons": "and is very boring. indeed."
Here, you're just wrong, look at the "Nothing ever happens"-part
Quote by "boggajons": "The acting in the show is horrible,"
Well, actually not, SMG is genius as Buffy (even tough all her movies suck, expite Cruel Intensions), you should watch the first act of "The Body" and then come back to talk so more - if you're still capable after watching it. And Alyson Hannigan as Willow, have you seen her in the final of season 6? If that wasn't great acting, what is? David Boreanaz as Angelus (personally I hated the Angel character in Buffy, while loving it in his own show, but Angelus was always great), Eliza Dushku as Faith, Anthony Stewart Head as Giles, James Marsters as Spike, Juliet Landau as Drusilla..., you won't find better acting in whole television and actually, you won't find it in the movies.
Quote by "boggajons": "the characters annoying"
For real? Actually, the only two characters I found annoying, were Riley (the black sheep of the buffy family) and Buffy herself, a great written, maybe even better played character, but not very symphatic.
Quote by "boggajons": "and nothing ever happens."
Angel losing his soul and turning into evil Angelus after (not to say because) sleeping with Buffy. - Nothing
Angelus killing Jenny Calender, who just made up with Giles, just to be found by him, laying dead in his bed, starring at him. - Nothing
Angelus getting his soul back, just to get send to hell by Buffy, because it's the only way to save the world. - Nothing
Xander and Willow making out, which causes the arrival of Anyanka, who would play a big roll in future plots. - Nothing
Faith accidently killing a human, getting screwed by a jerk calling himself a watcher (but then again, most if them are jerks, and of courese I LOVE Wes, but he WAS a jerk back than) and turning more and more evil, because of the many times, she got - or felt - betrayed. - Hell, that was nothing.
And I haven't even touched the big stuff (ever heard of Dawn?) - or Angel, so to speak (Darla pregnant, Connor, Holtz, Jasmine, Illyria, ya know?).
The thing is, most tv shows don't change at all (or just a little bit), and the only way to figure out, which season you're watching is by looking at the hair style of the maincast (ever watched nash bridges?). Buffy - and Angel - are so different, there's always something going on, you never expected (called surprises in some cultures, development in others), you just don't have that on other shows.
I can understand, that some people don't like the show, because it has vampires and is very dark at some points, but to say, that it's bad, because of lack of acting abillyties and bad stories, and boringness (WTF?) is in my eyes a big piece of *beep*.
To the movie, of course you can't compare them, but I don't see, where there was anything good in it, while the show simply blows you off.
And anyone, who doesn't get that, must have a chip in his head. ;)
Quote by "boggajons": "and Kristy Swanson is a lot hotter than Sarah Michelle Gellar"
Could it be, that this is the only reason why you prefer the movie? Well, anyway, I don't find either one of them hot, but Sarah can act, and Kristy can't, so no hard choice here.
Would you like my to lie to you know?