MovieChat Forums > Boomerang (1992) Discussion > i think this movie is racist

i think this movie is racist

i'm probably the last person to point out that something is racist but this movie makes it obvious.

these are the only white people in the whole movie:

1. waitress in the beginning, (M. Lawrence said she was racist, made her look like a jackass)
2. salesman at clothing store, (again made him a racist and made him look like a complete *beep*
3. 4 brute guys carrying grace jones in her premier. these guys were chained and treated like reindeer.

those were the only white people in the movie. to me, it seemed the makers of the movie went out of their way to send a message.

loved the movie, hilarious. love eddie, love martin, love david alan grier, but i think this movie is racist.

i think it is very unfortunate that many races have been through racism is recent history, but please, it's a 2way street and we need to kill the whole idea of racism. i know, impossible, but it doesn't mean we can't try.

God bless!!!!!



yes, I do think that's racist.....putting ANY race in that situation is being racist no matter black, white, red, or yellow.


so who exactly is supposed to get those roles? Aliens, dogs? Maids, waitresses, nannies and service industry workers come in every shape, size and color. The issue is that they are proportionately more people of color in these positions. As long as they, any race, aren't stereotyped. And the scene in the suit store happened in Pretty Woman too. Snooty sales clerks are a dime a dozen.

the ones offended by this really need to loosen up.

Those willing to give up liberty for security, deserve neither



The waitress part was obviously played for laughs. She wasn't supposed to really be a bigot, unlike the guy at the clothing store.



""do you see black people in friends so shut up the hell up""

...yes I do. Ross AND Joey dates a black girl (the same one in fact) over a number of episodes.

What is really conspicuous about this movie is that EVERYONE (except for a few like a waitress and the slave-guys pulling a chariot and the odd salesperson who is made out to be a racist) is black.

Where it would naturally happen that some TV-shows and movies would be more or less all white because only about 13% of the US population is black, this movie is forcefully all black. Black race is made into a point in this movie - unlike in Friends or the like.


so you're saying a movie (no matter how it's depicted) can't be racist? Let me ask you movies ever send a message? If I watch "Pay it Forward" and feel at the end of the movie to go out and make the world a better doesn't count because it was just a movie?

Your post really doesn't make sense......please re-post after you graduate from 1st grade.


"1. waitress in the beginning, (M. Lawrence said she was racist, made her look like a jackass) "

Jim, I have to completely disagree with you on this. It was made quite obvious that, while the waitress was being professional and courteous, Martin looked for any reason to call her racist. Come on: tip vs spears?? Did you seriously think that was or was supposed to be a serious indication that the waitress was being racists?? The waitress was specifically made courteous and non-racist as a device to show Martin's racist paranoia!

Also, what you have failed to address over and over again and seem to be avoiding is the fact that all the executives from Europe, seemingly, the ones who held the real power, were all white. None of them were made to be racists or as some negative stereotype.

Before I can consider your argument any further, I need you explain how "all" the white people in the movie were depicted in a negative light. If I had, had a waitress give me the kind of service the one gave them in the movie, I would have given her a generous tip. I didn't see anything wrong with her behavior. The executives were not bumbling idiots or stupid or did anything to indicate negative behavior at all. Convince me of how these groups of characters mentioned above are shown in a racist manner. Otherwise, what you're saying really amounts to nit-picking of the one racist character in the movie; the clothing salesman. And that, by no means, is far-fetched.



It is interesting that you don't seem to want to defend your original post. In fact you only seem to respond to posts that are off-topic. This is very interesting given that numerous posters have courteously responded to your original premise with some excellent arguments. From your original post you state:

these are the only white people in the whole movie:

1. waitress in the beginning, (M. Lawrence said she was racist, made her look like a jackass)
2. salesman at clothing store, (again made him a racist and made him look like a complete *beep*
3. 4 brute guys carrying grace jones in her premier. these guys were chained and treated like reindeer.

those were the only white people in the movie. to me, it seemed the makers of the movie went out of their way to send a message.

Point 1 - Numerous people have pointed out that the waitress was not portrayed as racist. I have no idea why you believe she was made to look like a jackass. The Martin Lawrence character is the one who is made to look bad, as shown by the fact that his friends look at him like he is crazy after his over the top statements!

Point 2 - Again, numerous black male posters have stated that they have experienced less than professional behavior from white salespeople in high-end apparel stores.

Point 3 - The Grace Jones character is "Strange" hence her name. Having her carried in by four white "bearers" reinforces this strange image and also plays to a "tongue-in-cheek" out-of-the wild stereotype. In this vignette, maybe where she is from, she is the only dark-skinned female and as a result is "worshiped" by an all-white populace. Again, as the other posters have shown, this is a "role-reversal" of the many movies/shows (think Sheena) where the lone white female is venerated by the dark-skinned people.

In any case, user Svendrick_Stonehege has done an excellent job of pointing out many of these same issues with your original post as well. He also pointed out that these three situations where hardly the only white characters in the movie. I want to up the ante by saying that it is OK to start a debate, but at least own up when you points get demolished. Not responding directly to well-reasoned counterpoints makes me wonder - Is this movie really racist or is it just your perception? You claim to check this thread every 6 months, so it will be interesting to see what you say next.



I'm glad so many people agree because I thought that too. There's another movie with the exact same issue, "Strictly Business", a B movie, who coincidentally also starred Halle Berry. I didn't realize that until just now, but I wonder if there's any connection (not making an accusation)?

Strictly Business though, was a little bit worse with the racism. It had more white actors in it, but still very few, and almost all of them were bad guys! The main antagonist was white, as was his assistant who he uses (though the assistant goes all holy at the last minute) for his evil deeds. Even Dennis Leary has a small part as an evil club owner who screws Berry's characters over.

Strictly Business is as well known as Boomerang, as I think the biggest name in it was Halle Berry, as this movie was made a year prior which was still early in her career. Though if anyone else who has seen it also might see the parallel in casting?

Just a thought.



Successful troll by the threadstarter here.


This movie is a racist piece of siht!!!

*beep* E.M.!!!


You know, when there's an all-white cast in a movie (especially a popular movie), if blacks or latinos or asians were to comment on the fact that there are almost no person of color in that popular "white" movie, WE would be the ones who have the "problem". There have been movies (and TV shows - Seinfeld & Friends & Everybody Loves Raymond come to mind - all of which I loved) where we didn't even play a marginal role in it. Boomerang is not a racist movie...white people (or any other ethnic group) could have EASILY been cast in ALL those roles & it STILL would have worked seamlessly. To the whites who think this movie to be racist, MUST you see your image in EVERYTHING???? The movie "She's Just Not That Into You" was TOTALLY a white cast (except for the girl Justin Long was dealing with in this one scene), but I personally didn't care because it was a GOOD movie! I wouldn't think of calling that movie a racist movie. Blacks, whites, asians, latinos should be able to make an all mono-ethnic movie WITHOUT it being racist. Why can't movies like Boomerang get the same respect? It was FUNNY as hell!! There are some classic scenes & lines in this movie that will stand the test of time. Let it stand on its own qualities & stop bringing race into it.



Not racist missed the mark.

The salesman, c'mon...I have personally experienced that (not to that extreme degree though ).

The waitress was treating the gentlemen quite well, but it goes to show how sometimes we just blow isht out of proportion and look for "hidden" messages.

-That's all the time we have, thanks for playing.
