Comparing Batman '89 and this one
I just recently rewatched Tim Burton's two Batman movies. Obviously by today's standards there are tons of problems with both of them, but in their time they were revolutionary for the comic book movie genre. As much as I can remember, I was blown away by Batman (1989) how it adapted Gotham City and the atmosphere of the comics on the big screen, but Batman Returns topped even that for me, as Burton went even further with the surrealistic style and the weirdness of the characters.
Almost thirty years later though, I have to say Batman overall is a better film than Returns. Rewatching the '92 movie the plot is ridiculously flawed and all over the place, which was not the case (at least not to this extent) with the first movie.
Considering when they were made and the fact that the genre was not nearly as established as it is today, I give Batman an 8 and Batman Returns a 7.