MovieChat Forums > Bad Lieutenant (1992) Discussion > Much better than Taxi Driver...

Much better than Taxi Driver...

... at spotlighting the depravity on American streets...



That which is not yet, but ought to be, is more real than that which merely is.


I don't think there's even a comparison. Taxi Driver's far more creative, original and affecting than this film.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


... at spotlighting the depravity on American streets...

I don't see this as a very realistic film, I'm not denying such depravity exists on the streets out there, but I just can't believe an NYPD officer could get away with all the stuff the Lieutenant gets up to in this film (and for God knows how long) He seemed to be a free agent as well, not really having to report in or do actual policework, he just wanders onto a couple of crime scenes and chats to his buddies.

Of course I suppose that's not really the point though, it's not a documentary. But his antics are pretty over-the-top. Maybe in some South American country a cop could get away with such conduct but surely not in a first world country, in relatively recent times.

Also as a film I don't can be compared to Taxi Driver. Keitel's performance makes this film. Without him (or an actor of his calibre on form) it wouldn't be that great.


No, not even close. But both are favorites of mine, and both are incredible achievements in movie-making.

