MovieChat Forums > The Odyssey (2020) Discussion > The Odyssey on DVD-FINALLY APPROVED


Dearest Odyssey Fans,

I want to begin my thanking you for being SO patient with me in regards to having The Odyssey released on DVD. There have been many obstacles but I have persevered and have finally received the news we have all been waiting for!!

The Odyssey WILL be released on DVD!!! Unfortunately there will be no bonus features but all the episodes will be available in a boxed set.

I am not sure as of the release date itself as we are waiting to here back from our in-house DVD authoring facility on their schedule to see when we can begin the process of converting the old Beta's to DVD.

I could have waited until I had an actual release date but I was so excited to pass along the news that I couldn't wait another minute!!

I will keep you posted as more developments are made!!

Feel free to email me at: [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to add your name to the rather LARGE list of fans who want to purchase the DVD set upon its imminent release!! :)

Thank you SO much for bearing with me!

Gary Gottselig
Executive Assistant
Omni Film Productions Ltd.


fantastic news!
i watched this show religiously when i was very young, but i can still remember how amazing the show is. i never got past mid-season 2 because the sci-fi channel kept airing repeats. -___-

i'm so excited :)


Thank you soooooooo much Gary!!! I used to watch this show back in Spain when I was growing up, but no one I know has ever heard of it! Amazing news!! Please make sure there is a UK/Europe format available too please :D



They used to be. They were taken off a long time ago, and I doubt newer ones are going to stay on YouTube for very long either.

Winners do what they have to, Losers do what they want to.


I can't wait for this ill buy it most defently wonderful news and its great to see others were fans everyone i talk to never heard of it.


There you go :]



I've spent a few years trying to locate this show.. I remember it back in the early 90's...but..but.. I NEVER remembered the name :/ lol hehhehe

I posted a few threads on various sites on the .net trying to see if someone would know the shows name... I had a lot of results.. but never the correct one.. and then finally someone suggested "The Odyssey" tv series!!!!!!!!

And now its arriving on DVD :)

I just hope its a true transfer and not horrendous like macgyver on dvd, aka no remaster.

"Wait!" "Worry" "Who Cares?"



Never buy anything pirated.
That is my motto.
And what's the point?
It is comming out soon on DVD anyways...

I am so excited


Soon? we havent had an update in awhile and I have not found any other information regarding this release anywhere online


Any word on the DVD release date?

I'd be thrilled to have this childhood favorite as part of my DVD collection.


I had such high hopes when I first read that it was coming out on DVD. But it has been over 7 months and still no word. I would be happy with any news. If it is going to take over a year to release the entire box set why do they not release one season at a time like most studios do? Just hope to hear some good news soon.


I have been looking for ANY information on this show for years. Every once in a while I'll stumble across somrthing and then hit a dead end. To hear that the series is going to be released on DVD is ridiculous (in the best way possible.) I'm SO SO excited. Thank you. You truly rock in the most hardcore fashion.
