I liked T1 and loved T2. Then I watched T3, was very disappointed and stopped paying attention to the franchise. By now there are 6 movies and a TV show. Is any of the stuff after T2 worth watching?
Personally I liked T3 enough because of the ending.
They had a big chance to start a whole new trilogy with Salvation and blew it. That movie should have started after the bombs were dropped showing John building his legendary status, and through the trilogy, we see the growth of the resistance, then finally end with him sending his father back in time at the end of the third movie. Instead, we got that turd where Sam Worthington was a quasi-terminator who gives his heart to John or something. After that the dang thing went off the rails and there is no coming back.
T3 had a genius ending.
Salvation is where the series jumped the shark. They got everything wrong, except for the T800.
They should send one back to terminate McG's mom.
the ending was good but the execution and buildup to it weren't.
also how do you top Arnie in t1 as the scary guy then Robert Patricks performance. By doing a terminator boob joke in the first 5 mins? Theres just way too many ridiculous set pieces in that film
I found both terminators in t3 to be pg13 jokes that don't belong here.
Not only that, they were waaaay out of character, repeatedly behaving like humans for no good reason (ie, why would she ever have that silly orgasmic reaction tasting John's blood?)
I forced myself into liking T3 when it came out, much like with the Star Wars prequels, but over the years I stop kidding myself. It's pretty bad. It's very cartoony.
I used to dislike Salvation, but it's probably my favorite from the ones that don't count now.
Nah, they consistenly lowered the quality after T2. It would have been better and smarter if James Cameron would have made another Terminator every 5 or 6 years. T3 in 1996, T4 around 2001, etc.
Not really, no. None of them hold a candle to the originals. They are all really different from the first two and don't really feel like Terminator movies – they feel like someone else's interpretation of a Terminator movie. Terminators aren't scary in anything other than the original two they became disposable. Cartoony.
I was into the show for a while, but got tired of it when it just became medium for "the Terminator of the week". They were getting destroyed so often, it was anti-climatic. Some of the action was awful. Take this scene, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_ddHsX6EDk. What the fuck were they thinking? The blows look like they have zero impact and the characters are flying across the set.
I mean when the first 5 mins have a terminator boob joke... as the terminator seems less threatening in every way than Arnold or Robert Patricks performance.. I dont think it was winnable because the bad terminator performances in T1 and T2 were of such high quality. where do you even go from there?! oh right a part liquid, part solid terminator who shoots lasers......
t3 was just too silly, scholocky with ridiculous action scenes.
Yeah, T3 was a cartoon. Starts with the cartoon humor right away and continued with the cartoon action. Just a bad movie.
The show had some neat ideas and I stuck with it for a while, but there was just some goofy shit in it. I cringed when Cameron turns that lady Terminator into a pretzel. That whole fight is awful.
Even though a lot of people hate Salvation, I kinda like it because it's the most different from the movies following T2... not a good movie though, but worth the watch because at least there was an attempt to do things different from the template.