Ally Sheedy is 'plain'?

This is a solid comedy, with some good laughs and strong performances, but did anyone buy the notion of Ally Sheedy as "plain"? Couldn't they have uglified her a bit or gotten a less pretty actress?



Yes, I agree that Ally makes this film very memorable because she's so charming here. It's just that when they call her "plain," I don't buy it because she's gorgeous.

More recently, Ally Sheedy was very good in "High Art," which is a much darker role for her. She deserved a bigger career because she's very versatile and talented, but because of her beauty she seemed to get typecast into cutesy roles.


I like Ally but, I disagree that the movie would have been less memorable with a less attractive actress. It might actually would have been more memorable. &



her breasts were ridiculed by his mother.


She wasn't made up as a super sexy bombshell throughout the movie, but she was certainly very nice looking and cute (except for a couple of the early scenes where they overdid the 'dowdy-spinster' look).


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


I found her plain and bland to be honest. I felt they could have found someone better for the role.


I believe this was a throwback to a the movie Marty. His girlfriend was also considered "plain"...even "ugly", but she definitely was better than he deserved (the actress was Gene Kelly's wife for heavens sake). Her character was also awkward and shy and I also think it was a manipulative tactic to get him not to marry her by hurting his pride.


Was she supposed to be "Plain" or "Shy"

Shy girls appears Plain UNTILL they open up
