I can think of 100s of films that are far worse off the top of my head. Are you excluding the majority of films for some reason? Do you mean it is the worst film in its genre?
Super Babies and all sequels
Emoji Movie
Battlefield Earth
Troll 2
The Last Airbender and most M. Night Shalamalamadingdong films
Samurai Cop and all related films
Roar(cool footage and amazing production story, but shit film)
Cyber Bully
Anything Neil Breen
The countless shyt sequels to decent kids movies, e.g. The Land Before Time III+
Jack & Jill
Captain America(the original film)
Fantastic Four(any version)
Baby's Day Out
Howard the Duck
Countless direct to video releases
I could go on and on and on...
You need to see more films before declaring Nothing But Trouble the absolute worst.