MovieChat Forums > New Jack City (1991) Discussion > Do you think The Old Man was justified?

Do you think The Old Man was justified?

I personally think he was right for doing what he did. I know he would have been charged for murder after shooting Nino, but Nino deserved more than what he was getting. He destroyed all evidence he had and only got sentenced to a year. He deserved to either be killed or serve life. I personally think The Old Man was right for killing Nino himself.

All I need is one mic...


The old man was Nino's reckoning. Throughout the whole movie he shows up constantly not being listened to and finally when he was fed up he took the law into his own hands. They copied this in the 2000/Samuel Jackson version of Shaft with the slain black dude's mom.

"Fair is fair!"~ Billie Jean Davy


Nino had it coming. I think the old man was in the right.


He was old and would get EASY time and street cred for taking out a drug dealer.

Uh baby U 4got to pull out. 9 months later, can U pull this "bleep" baby outta me, do that @ least!


People should get medals, reward money, and free drinks from their neighbors for shooting, or apprehending drug dealers and other criminals. If that were the way there would be a lot fewer of them. Sadly some elements in our society do nothing all day but make excuses for them. That is why they run rampant through society.

Personally I think there should be government bounties on members of violent street gangs. Clean up the streets in a BIG hurry that way. If government bounties nearly caused the complete extirpation of wolves throughout much of the continent back in the day. Why should the same not apply to drug dealers and members of violent gangs. They are both dangers to society. I'd much rather live with a wolf den across the street than a crack den though.


I believe he was justified because we all knew Nino was not only guilty but an evil man who would continue to do evil.

In real life though we don't know this. We only got word of mouth.


Yeah, he should've gotten more than a year for just the drug convictions alone. The murder suspicions, the infiltration of an apt building full of kids and elders. That should've been another 15-20.


The old man was just a black Jack Ruby. I'd say he was justified, but as Peritti said to Scotty, when Scotty wanted to do in Nino, "Don't throw your life away on a POS." But I suppose he figured that since he was so old, spending what little time he had left in his life in jail wasn't so bad.


The old man was justified BUT shooting a gun in a somewhat crowded courthouse (how the hell did he get the gun past the metal detector - just a movie I guess) could result in the bullet hitting an innocent bystander. Not a good thing. Should have shot Nino when he was outside the apartment while Scotty was repeatedly kicking him on the ground. Safer that way.


(how the hell did he get the gun past the metal detector - just a movie I guess)

chrisjohnson, I don't think they had those installed back then in NYC.

(Black movie sins):


(how the hell did he get the gun past the metal detector - just a movie I guess)

In the early nineties, they didn't have metal detectors in the courthouse, so it was easy to bring in a firearm or a pen knife.


Justified? No. That old man had no right to bust up in a court house and take matters into his own hands. It's not like Nino tried to kill him or someone in his family. All he did to him was embarrassed him in front of a bunch of kids. That doesn't justify killing someone. Now ask if the old man did the community a huge favor...Yes, he did. He should have been hailed as a local hero. Unfortunately, doing the community a huge service doesn't always equal to justifiability.

All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system.


Another naive liberal.


he indrectly tried to kill eveyrone with crack-i cheered when i first saw the ending-he deserved it
"I'll be there for you"


But Nino had a boy set on fire, I believe. Who knows what else had been done?


way to miss the point dude!


He just exercised the law of the jungle.

"Civilized societies" have revolving doors with rapists and murderers.

Sometimes society needs to be a little more uncivilized and loving of its people.


Even if he wasn't it sure made the ending of the movie awesome. I was in a theater in Pinole, California and everybody cheered when Nino got it. Lol


So basically then, whenever some guilty criminal INCLUDING a drug dealer gets a reduced sentence, they should just get gunned down and killed in anger, right?


no , just the really bad ones , i dont want the guy who supplies my weed executed!

The ones directly responsible for many murders , and indirectly responsible for all kinds of deaths and ruined lives , that would continue to do the same thing ... hell yeah.


Also, notice how in court Wesley Snipes' character even tried to somehow "justify" himself and talk about how hard his life was and how he isn't the worst of the worst bunch, how difficult circumstances in life made him sell drugs since he was a child etc. But then the old man didn't buy it enough and still gunned him down.
