MovieChat Forums > King Ralph (1991) Discussion > What would you do if you were King/Queen...

What would you do if you were King/Queen of England?

I might auction off one to the five big castles the monarch gets to travel to, give 75% to charities, and the rest buy a sizeable but securable summer house in Scotland. I don't need five castles. Would you have a bowling alley? Buy all the James Bond movies?


Abdicate and go back to America. Seriously, who the hell would want the responsibility of being a monarch? I prefer my freedom and privacy.


well... get little richard to rock the castle exactly as king ralph does. the stiff surroundings and damp british weather ralph is being exposed to really transfers to the viewing experience as well, it's a cute harmless movie, also with a bit of daring language though, but really not a riot of fun, the jokes are pretty dull, the channels i get mainly only airs 21st century movies unfortunately, this is an exception though and pops up every now and then, but it's not something that works watching repeatedly i find, what stands out though is little richard in the end credits and john goodman having a go at his tune at the ballroom floor, that's why i still tune into this whenever it airs, i also have a dvd release, apparently this has a "making of" documentary made the same time as the movie in 1991 but strangely not featured on the dvd release. i had no idea this was john goodman's first starring role, he really hit it off from there on in more enjoyable flicks like matinee and the flintstones, i've seen him in smaller roles in earlier 1980's flicks though, the movie also includes a great supporting cast, if you enjoy radio dramas you might be interested to know that john hurt recently played "the invisible man", this flick has its moments, overall i find it's somehow impossible to diss this movie.

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in ghost town,
flooded knee high,
eerie surround contrast your light,
in earthly disaster youre a heavenly sight,
as doomsday draws closer,
losses to regain over yonder,
a fair lady with charm,
belongs inside warmth,
returned with fire on dance floor.
