MovieChat Forums > Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) Discussion > Am i the only one who actually enjoyed t...

Am i the only one who actually enjoyed this film as it stood originally!


I'm going to be in the minority here but here me out!

Yes the acting is bad, the script terrible, the plot woeful and silly filled with holes and bad editing and lets not talk about the alien bit.


As a stand alone film in the highlander universe its not really so bad. Its only when you start to compare the film to the original and try and link it in as a direct sequel does the film fail to stand up. The film its self rarely makes reference to its prequel and that is a good thing.

Personally i quite enjoyed it as a rainy sunday afternoon film and lets be honest, a lot worse has been made since! I enjoyed he shield story line and thought that it was not a bad plot device at all. If it had been handled better it could have been amazing, but i think from looking at it they were dodged by financial troubles and interference form outside parties.

Ask yourself this?

Given the same circumstances, could you have made a better film?
As a stand alone film, was it so bad?
You must have seen worse? (catwoman anyone)?
It did make a ton of cash and was not really considered a flop at the time?

Ok i admit its going to be hard to convince anyone and thats cool, but surely there must be fans out there somewhere?



This movie has one of the funniest sequel subtitles of all time.



me and my girlfriend soon to be wife liked it when we saw it the cinema at Bradford and no one in the cinema booed it so it can't be that bad for some people.


I own both versions on VHS, and I don't mind the theatrical cut, all things considered. I like the idea of aliens who are immortal on earth, but obviously this is an idea that should've been explored in a different movie. But for what it is, it's fun. Had this been an Ed Wood film, this would probably be considered his crowning achievement.


I found it to be pretty enjoyable as well actually!


Perfect example of how sequels should be, who says that they are meant to continue the same story in the same universe. there are quite a few sequels made that seem like in a different universe. This was an amazing experience for me at the theatre back in 1991, in the way how completely unpredictable it was in the direction of the story, totally different alternative reality. I can see how this film might find a lot more fans in the future, as the sequels progress employing more alternative realities.


i like the original version it's a great film. the renegade version is good too.


I watched this movie on video a bazillion times. It's a really cool movie. It's just a shitty Highlander sequel.
