Funniest Part?

#1 has to be (for me) the snowmobile story - from the "wet dog" smell of the seat cover to his balls vibrating for hours after that whole speach had me rolling.

Second would be the sushi bar; the way the chefs repeated happily and loudly everything the customers said was great.

Lot's of other laughs but those two parts stand out and still crack me up no matter how many times I see the movie.

I'm Invincible..You're a Looney!
Camelot! Camelot! Camelot....It's only a model......Shhh!


I have two:

1. In the nightclub, the comic asks Arthur how he dies:
Comic: How did you die Arthur?
Arthur: I was in a coma
Comic: How long were you in a coma, Art?
Arthur: I don't know
Comic: Let's play a game, Art. Elvis, alive or dead?
Arthur: Alive
Comic: Long coma Art, long coma.

2. When Daniel and Julia take their places in the Past Lives Pavillion, and the show starts, Shirley McClane appears. In the background we hear someone yell "Oh my God".


The part where they're talking about how Meryl Streep died and he says that negociating the patio furniture is equally important etc.

Lots of great lines in this movie.


During the montage of 'general misjudgements' when Daniel takes a swig out of the Prell bottle (I'm laughing just thinking about it), the reaction is priceless!


"You died 'pissed'".

"Try not to show my car first, it looks like a turd compared to that one."

The general misjudgements, of the Prell, the chainsaw, buying a bad used car, falling off the roof, bwahaha!

"Then it's a mis-whatever-it-is, you two are already fighting!"


I like how "macho" it is to use a high percentage of your brain. Especially the woman who looks seductively impressed with "you use 53%? Oooh.." or something like that. As if he's just told her his, er, size instead of %.


mcfly-31 wrote:
"The general misjudgments, of the Prell, the chainsaw, buying a bad used car, falling off the roof, bwahaha!"

It was hysterical when Daniel drove off the used car sales lot in that crap car and the 2 sales guys look at each other after he's out of the lot and they both almost fall over on each other cracking up, like "Bye bye sucker!" Hilarious!

Funny also when Lena was introducing the segment of the misjudgments and she says "some of them bad judgment, some of them just stupid!" The pained look on Daniel's face too when she says this is priceless.

Can you imagine how excruciating it would be to have to sit through a replay in the afterlife of every dumb, stupid thing you've ever done? Of every embarrassing moment when you felt like an ass?


I love Eduardo the Italian waiter. "Are you shy? I'm a gonna bring you some steaks!"



In his death sequence, the very fact that the song he's listening to is "Something's Coming" is hilarious. Moments later, something does.


I love the telephone conversation between the car salesman and the dissatisfied customer, and how despite all his efforts to get rid of her, as he's hanging up you hear her yelling faintly, 'I'm on my way in!'.


The complilation of misjudgements.

The old man at the Past Lives Pavillion discovering he was once a prissy little girl.

"Do we all have to listen to that?" shout over Barbra Streisand.

Oh come on. Oh, there he goes off to his room to write that hit song "Alone in my principles."


Haha..I just watched this again last night and I paid close attention to this scene. You're right, it's hilarious. But did you ever notice that as Daniel and the salesman are walking out to get the car, there's *another* salesmen on the phone in the background telling someone else that it's a perfectly normal smell? It's pretty faint, but a great touch.


No way, ChoirBoy! A fan of this movie, too? I think I'm the Grace and you're the Will. (or I can be the Mary and you the Rhoda - and if you're a Romy & Michele fan, too, I think we're movie soul mates!)

...and that's all I have to say about that.


Oh my... Thoughts on Running on Empty?

Actually, Romy & Michelle may be where we part company. I didn't dislike it at all, but I've also never been a devotee. Perhaps I should watch it again...


Which Running on Empty? I'll watch that if you'll give R&M another shot.

...and that's all I have to say about that.


Sidney Lumet's, starring Judd Hirsch, Christine Lahti, River Phoenix and Martha Plimpton.

It's a deal!


I always look forward to the look on the old lady's face when she sees Shirley McLaine in the Past Lives Pavilion, that always cracks me up.

I also like when the teacher in the flashback is asking how much the paint supplies cost, half the kids say $3 and half the kids say $3.50. When the teacher asks the total half the kids say $13 and the other half say $13.50, that additonal .50 cents after the $13 kids have finished is great.


You like the pies? I give you a 21 pies!!-the chef when they discover they can eat anything without feeling the effects


I can't believe no one has mentioned the conversation that Daniel has with Frank in the sushi bar. The lines that always get me are "I coined the phrase *all* nude," when the chefs repeat "13 days!" and when Frank says he's going to take a piss and then asks Daniel if he wants to come. The look on Brooks' face when he smiles politely and says "No" is priceless!


The funniest for me would probably be the Past Life Pavillion, especially when the old woman saw her past life as a sumo wrestler and Dan's pastlife as native

Dan: Who are you in your past life?
Julia:Im Prince Valiant! How about you?
Dan: Dinner

and also the first part about the Jeep (funny coz i own one of these..)

Jeep Owner: I like this car.
Daniel Miller: It's not a car, it's a battering ram. This is what Patton drove: "Hey you, soldier! Follow us!"
Jeep Owner: Make fun, but in an 8.5 earthquake, you'll beg for a Jeep.
Daniel Miller: In an 8.5 earthquake, I'll beg for a coffin.


I like when Daniel pops in on one of Julia's trials and they are watching her rescue her kids and cat from their burning house and one of the judges goes, "I'm sorry for keeping you all, I just had to see that again". Daniel's face is priceless.


I love the look on Daniel's face when he sees the video in Julia's trial of her saving her kids from the house fire and then goes back for the cat - a persian no less! :) Could she be any more perfect?



There are countless funny moments.

1. The conversation Daniel has on the tram with the old woman. "Oh my God! So young! AIDS?" And when he deboards and she waves "Bye bye!"

2. When Daniel and Bob Diamond walk into the court room and Bob says something snide to Lena Foster and she glares at him saying, "I'm going to get you. I promise." Then turns to Daniel smiling saying, "Good morning!"

3. After Daniel's temporary lawyer declines to present for the third time and Daniel says, "I-I-I can't believe it. And you didn't want to toot your own horn."

4. After Daniel is accused of being afraid of the snowmobile and he says, "Wait a second. This is not fear, this is hate."

5. When the old man in the Past Lives Pavilion discovers he was a little girl and grumbles, "What the hell is this?... What the hell is goin' on here?!"

"First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red."



The constant references to how much nicer Streep's hotel is.

"Where are you staying?"

"I'm at the hotel for people who weren't nice and didn't adopt anybody."

And the look on his face when he's about to leave her hotel, only to hear over the loudspeaker. "Caviar and champagne now being served in the the lobby."

Brooks' most successful film by far. Timeless stuff.


- The old lady on the tram to Daniel "Oh my God, so young, aids?"

- Bob Dimond - "I use 48% of my brain, you know what percent you use?"

Daniel - "I don't know - 47?"

Bob - "3"

Daniel - "Great, I'm the dunce of the universe"

Bob - "Don't worry, you're perfectly normal , everyone from earth uses 3-5% of their brain."

I love the subtlety of how he is trying to console Daniel but even then he is still on the low end of the "3-5 %"

- Bob "that's a new one on me. Have sex and move on!"


When Daniel's in court and they're watching the missed investment opportunity footage, and the lawyer says, "What did you end up investing your money in?" And he answers, "Cattle." And the lawyer asks, "And what happened to the cattle?" And he replies, "I never got a straight answer. All I know is that their teeth fell out." That line cracks me up every time!!!!


Very funny line!


Mine is when she's telling her death story. "I fell into the pool, and cracked my head open," and he says "What did the German judge give you?"
