Funniest Part?

#1 has to be (for me) the snowmobile story - from the "wet dog" smell of the seat cover to his balls vibrating for hours after that whole speach had me rolling.

Second would be the sushi bar; the way the chefs repeated happily and loudly everything the customers said was great.

Lot's of other laughs but those two parts stand out and still crack me up no matter how many times I see the movie.

I'm Invincible..You're a Looney!
Camelot! Camelot! Camelot....It's only a model......Shhh!



Waiter: "So ... how many days you a'lookin' at?"
Daniel: "Nine."
Waiter: "Oo-ooh?"

The deliver and the look on the waiter's face is priceless.


I'm gonna have to go with the part where the god-awful comic is doing his act --- Albert and Meryl carry on a conversation and at the tail end you hear the comic say..."if you're gonna fart, leave the room."

I died .

"My spleen's been ostracized....." -Dom mocking Orlando's "terminally" broken rib He He


actually it was "dinner"


The quote goes as:

Daniel: Who are (or were) you?
Julia: Prince Valiant! Who are (or were) you?
Daniel: Dinner.


I liked teh , random misjudgements. I died when hes in the car with that coat hanger.


When he is going on and on about the "bond" with his father and Rip Torn--with a classic Rip Torn smile-- simply says, with a nod,

"Wrap it up"

As funny as anything Artie on LSanders ever did.




My favorite is when he meets Meryl Streep at the comedy club and she asks him if he wants to leave and skip the awful comic and he says that he can't, "That's my dad."

And the second one is during the stupid mistakes montage (that's showing the French!) where he has locked himself inside the car and is using a coat hanger to try and get out!

This is one of my 20 favorite movies of all time!



bad comedian: " so tell me sir, how did you die?"

brook: "on stage, like you."



"I'm staying at the Hotel Continental. Come over sometime and we'll paint it."


The past lives pavillion, and the old guy who sees himself as a little girl. Oh that was hilarious!

Armand: So this is Hell. And there's a crucifix in it.


"Is this Heaven?"
"Is this Hell?"
"Actually,there IS no hell,although I hear Los Angeles is getting pretty close."


I think Brooks is a genius. It is the subtle that is so hilarious.

1) Conversation on the tram

"Did you have a dog?"

"You asked me that twice now."

"What did you say?"


"What did I say?"

"You said that's wonderful."

"Well it is."



Meryl with the massive piece of spaghetti and how he pulls her head back round with it when she turns to look at the prosecutor. He he he!!

Also, the old man in the Past Lives Pavillion when he sees he's this little girl. "what the hell's going on??"

"Dailies were my reward at the end of the day. Now a Martini is reward enough." - Meryl Streep


Those half dozen lines never cease to crack me up. Unexplainably low key & brilliant.


this is one of my FAVORITE parts!


I have a few;

The entire first intervew scene with Rip Torn. He's a classic!!! (Little brains)

When Rip torn is eating horsecrap and gives some to Daneil. Pure hysterics.

The past life pavilion when people yelled, "Oh my God!" when Ms. MacLaine appeared.

And the poor old woman who saw the sumu wreslter. Another belly laugh!

All in All a terrific movie.


Yes, when we hear the woman exclaim "oh my God" at the appearance of Shirley MacLaine at 'The Past Lives Pavilion, it priceless.


Comedian's song as Albert and Meryl flee the club:

"that's life, and that's how you lived it...and now you little brains, are here to defend it..."

Not funny on paper but I love all the stuff you here that guy say in the background.


the salary negotiation scene is the best.
he repeated his lowest acceptable salary to himself like a mantra, then went to the interview and accepted a lowball offer.


"Elvis, living or dead?"
"Long coma"

