Harrison Ford: "They Offered Me Nolte's Role, I Said I'd Only Do It if I got DeNiro's Role"
This trivia article floated in on my feed:
Harrison Ford was offered the "weak good guy" role in the Cape Fear remake. With Scorsese directing and Spielberg behind it, he had to take it seriously.
In this article, Ford says that Robert DeNiro called him personally to ask him to play the good guy role.
Ford said, "No I won't play that. The only way I'll do this movie is if you give me your bad guy role and you can play the good guy."
DeNiro just couldn't give up Max Cady. Its why he wanted to do the movie.
I think other prominent "good guys" like Robert Redford and Michael Douglas said no the good guy part, too.
Which is why Nick Nolte -- a fine actor but always a bit "second tier" was offered and took the role. He's great in it -- a big guy all trimmed down to slender bespectacled suburbanite lawyer.