Would hardcore christians
find this movie blashpemous?
shareWhy is the OP only asking if Christians would get offended? What about Muslims or any other religion? The fact is, the portrayal of heaven and hell is meant to be a comedy. It is not based on any religion. I am a Christian and laughed my ass off during the whole movie. Just like any religion, there will be zealots who give the majority a bad reputation. I can't tell if the original post is a troll set up to discuss Christian views of movies so they can bash Christians, or if the OP really wonders if Christians are so close minded we can't laugh with a movie like this. If it's the latter, I can tell you I know most of the people I know at church have seen this, and not one time has anyone ever been offended by it. It never even crossed my mind till now. So to answer the question, no 99% of Christians I would think would not find it blasphemous. I think it's a greatly under appreciated movie that I can still watch any time it comes on. The only movie I find blasphemous is Alien 3 for what it did to the franchise lol.
shareI don't. I'm a Christian but I love this movie!