MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1991) Discussion > Is 'bestiality' even an APPROPRIATE term...

Is 'bestiality' even an APPROPRIATE term here?

Hi folks, I'll try not to get TOO controversial or anything but I was just briefly wondering...

A lot of reviews and comments I read have described (besides the whole "Stockholm Syndrome" arguments but that's another story of course) the relationship between Belle and The Beast as 'bestiality', even though (thankfully) there wasn't any implication of a sexual contact between the two characters nor does she marry him while he is in his 'Beastly' cursed state, but would such term with her and him even BE applicable in your opinion officially and why/why not?

And at the end when the Beast dies and she cries "I love you", is it meant to imply that she would love him as a Beast as in she would happily marry him if he would NOT die after Gaston stabbed him (I mean, at that time, before the transformation, she didn't really KNOW that he was a cursed human being and a Prince to boot) or did she mean "I love you" maybe like she greatly respects him as a friend and does NOT wish for him to die, like, maybe she is just saddened to see him die on her?

And what if for argument's sake it DID go well save for any sexual relationships (not counting the fact that its a Disney animation of course) towards marriage and whatnot and Gaston and the mob did NOT interfere somehow, would 'bestiality' BE an appropriate term then, even if the Beast actually IS a cursed HUMAN being rather than say some mystical animal who also happened to TALK?

I might say that overall no, the term here is not appropriate, but will I be wrong? What do you think, thanks.


On a related note, I've seen people online often complain that they found The Beast to be much "cooler" than the person it turns to at the end, but even SO, and that IS a matter of opinion after all, isn't it STILL a happy ending given that at the very LEAST he turned back to being HUMAN, AS DID all of the other servants who were turned into objects by the spell and have inanimate objects become partially self aware?

I mean, if that did NOT happen, would it in any way resemble the "subject" of discussion here? (Although I've seen internet jokes and pics even suggesting Belle and The Beast had s*x when he still was a Beast except there probably wasn't even an implication of THAT even in the very classic novel (that's about 300 years old or so) on which this was based on, let alone Disney's ANIMATION mostly aimed at youth.

And some people on the other hand have even suggested that there WASN'T a perfectly happy ending and that all those other objects and cursed people did NOT survive, someone even almost GENUINELY believing that those knives and forks turned into blooded human monsters or something rather than have the magical spell neatly sort EVERYTHING out when the curse was lifted.


Yo, I agree. I'm actually very happy for the Beast and the servants that they were turned back into themselves at the end. I don't get the people complaining about that.


I was in JR high then I did not even think about that.


They’re thinking about his looks. You know the long hair. Muscular chest and strong arms. Bushy eyebrows. Plus a few don’t believe he looks like the Beast anymore through his eyes.


No, this is a story about redemption, it is NOT about having sex with an animal. To accuse Belle of being a Furry or committing bestiality is a shallow, lazy, stupid description of this film. It's similar in stupidity to comparing every person you hate to Hitler.


Besides, (spoiler alert) didn’t the Beast turn back into a guy at the end?


Exactly. As a reward for redeeming himself, he was transformed back into a human, and free to marry Belle and carry on a normal life with her.


Belle falls in love with the beast. The literal definition of bestiality.


Bestiality [ bes-chee-al-i-tee, bees- ] noun, plural bes·ti·al·i·ties.
1. brutish or beastly character or behavior; beastliness.
2. indulgence in beastlike appetites, instincts, impulses, etc.
3. an instance of bestial character or behavior.
4. sexual relations between a person and an animal; sodomy.

Last time I checked, Belle never had sex with the Beast.


Lots of people love animals. Doesn't mean bestiality.


You can love your dog as a pet, and you can love you dog as in wanting to mate with him. theres a difference.


Belle did NOT want to mate with him when he was a beast. Stop projecting.


Yeah, the beast spoke english, ate his dinner at a table, read books, wore clothes, knew how to dance etc. That's hardly an animal.


Sure its an animal. Humans are animals too, have you forgotten? We can teach apes to speak sign language, eat dinner at table, weak clothes and dancing. Reading is harder though.



Godwin's law, darling. It states that the moment you use "Hitler" to describe someone you don't like, the argument is immediately lost.



I needed a comparison as to how stupid people can be. The fact that you keep amplifying one small part of it shows you don't really care about the actual conversation, you just want to make a pointless point. Goodbye.



I frankly think most of the people who make negative reviews of this and other popular movies are idiots and I laugh at their stupid reviews about Belle being a stockholm victim and also wanting to have sex with the Beast when she is obviously repulsed by his beastly form through out the movie.

Then again people being unable to enjoy films cause they can't look at them in the standards of when they were made or when they take place is frustrating.

Also I find it funny also at some people on here defending Gaston and saying he was justified at the end when he is shown to be a bad guy with no morals through out the film. Not only that but he makes it clear that he only wants to be with Belle because he thinks she is the most attractive woman in his village. And he also hates her reading books which makes him not compatable with her to begin with.


You're smarter than a lot of people on this thread.


Thank you.
