MovieChat Forums > Beauty and the Beast (1991) Discussion > Why did Disney cast a bunch of nobodies?

Why did Disney cast a bunch of nobodies?

Seriously the biggest name in this is Angela Lansbury and all she was known for at the time was a CBS show. A freakin CBS show! She was basically a second rate "celebrity" while everyone else was some yahoo they hired from God knows where. Why the hell didn't Disney bother hiring talent for this movie? 😱


it worked fine i think animated films need to back go in this direction so far Moana is the only Disney Revival era film to do it


This is my guess.

1. Hiring professional stage actors for an animated musical is better because they already can sing competently so there is no need to hire a singer in addition to the actor.

2. Stars are expensive so budgets would have to be cut from the film which will compromise the film as a whole.

3. Disney animated films in the past didn't focus on hiring famous actors. They were just maintaining tradition.

Personally I feel like the quality of animated Disney films went downhill fast when they started using famous celebrities as voice actors. The exception have been the Pixar films because they managed to maintain focus on story quality above all else.
