MovieChat Forums > Home Improvement (1991) Discussion > rewatching and jill is so annoying!!

rewatching and jill is so annoying!!

im on season 4 and so far she has annoyed me alot! so shes a complete hypocrite >.<

Theres so many examples that i cba to list them all lol but im on the episode where mark steals the pocket knife and tim goes nuts on him and yell and ground him (rightly so!) and jill get all " you went overboard bla bla " then goes to comfort mark....>.< Theres episodes where she goes nuts over something and tims HAS to agree with her otherwise SHE goes nuts with HIM!


also....why did they apologise to mark for telling him off :S


I see this post is almost a year old, but anyway...

I think the thing about Jill protecting Mark is just the maternal instinct kicking in, and the fact that Mark is the youngest.

See how most mothers are with their youngest child. Ask any mother about how they feel about their youngest child. Sometimes the mother does go overboard with overprotection and spoiling them.


I don't know how Tim put up with that Woman. Then there's another Episode when Tim moved Brad out of the room He shared with Randy, because They were fighting all the Time, Jill tells Tim He should have consulted Her first. I'd say excuse Me? I'm the head of this Family, and I pay the Bills around here, and I don't need to consult You, on anything. You never consult Me whenever You do Something. When Brad tore a ligament in His Knee, He was angry at Tim, and was telling Him it was all His fault, Jill tells Brad not to blame His Dad. Well where does She think He heard it from, Her! All those Years belittling and making Tim look the fool in front of the Kids, of course they're going to pick up on that.


oh my god what

firstly, Tim 'put up' with 'that woman' because he loves her. he doesn't 'put up' with her. he says so himself, (in another episode that everyone complains about, btw) when Brad is like "thats because you ended up with someone like mom" and he says "i didn't 'end up' with her, i love her, i love her because she's a strong woman" or whatever.
he doesnt have any reason to put up with her, he admires the fact that she's a strong, independent woman with her own opinions, and he loves her for it.

"...I dont need to consult you on anything" ? yeah, because that's what a successful marriage is built on. Unequal partners where the bread winner (and might I add, the male) is in charge of all the decisions and the spouse gets absolutely no say in the matter based solely on the fact that they don't earn money. Did you stop to consider, for a minute, one of the many possible reasons as to why Tim is the bread winner in the family as opposed to Jill? Might it be because he was on the road so much before he landed Tool Time that if Jill also worked, there would be no one at home to take care of the boys? And don't start with any of the 'she was too lazy to work' or whatever, because CLEARLY, she does go back to work, and when she lost her job, she went back to school, because she never wanted to be just a housewife (not that there's anything wrong with that, it just isnt Jill's cup of tea)

And when has she ever made Tim look like a fool in front of the kids? And don't bring up the time she essentially told Mark that Tim is a dork because thats not a legitimate example so dont try. Anytime tim looked like a fool in front of the kids, it was his doing (like the time he souped up the lawnmower and got everyone to watch but it crashed into the fence instead of going forward)

Moral of the story: Tim doesn't put up with Jill. He loves her. Just because you pay the bills doesnt give you the right to make all the decision around the house. Any time Tim looked like a fool in front of the boys it was his own doing. Jill is amazing. thats all.


Moral of the story: Tim doesn't put up with Jill. He loves her.

He's also an idiot.

Just because you pay the bills doesnt give you the right to make all the decision around the house.

He doesn't make any of the decisions. He's not allowed to spend his money how he likes, yet he's expected to pay for Jill's cars and her education.

Jill is amazing. thats all.

Let me guess. You think she's hot and once had a crush on her.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


Let me guess. You think she's hot and once had a crush on her.

Actually rural_jurors is a girl, so stop giving silly comments.

And your opinion is not the only one that matters. Obviously a lot of people, myself included, think Jill is a great wife and mother.


First time using a computer, I see.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


He doesn't make any of the decisions. He's not allowed to spend his money how he likes, yet he's expected to pay for Jill's cars and her education.

It's compensation for the 11 years she spent raising his three kids and cleaning up the house, cooking meals, supporting her husband.

Also, she did have a job and did earn money, and had her own bank account! So as far as I'm concerned, she earned her own money for tuition.

And I'm a woman so you can't say that I have a crush on her. I'm just trying to bring a balanced viewpoint here.

Jill isn't perfect, I think that's great. She's a foil to Tim, that's kind of the point. If the show were about Jill, then Tim would be the foil.


It's compensation for the 11 years she spent raising his three kids and cleaning up the house, cooking meals, supporting her husband.

I'm assuming that whole time she was paying for room and board?

Also, she did have a job and did earn money, and had her own bank account! So as far as I'm concerned, she earned her own money for tuition.

She quit her job to go back to school. In the episode where she forbids him to keep the basketball tickets she outright tells Tim it's because he has to pay for her schooling.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


Not only did she raise the kids....she cooked them and painfully gave birth to them! These guys on these message boards apparently would've been happier if the show was just about Tim as a bachelor with no wife or kids. They thought the show would just be a sausage fest of guys hanging at a hardware store all day and grunting. Twisted souls. But obviously this was a very popular show so do the math. And, as an aside, if we're going to talk about annoying women on 90's about Elaine from Seinfeld. UUUUGGGHHHHH!!!


rural_jurors you rock

Jill IS amazing and she and Tim are the greatest TV couple ever IMHO.


I'd say excuse Me? I'm the head of this Family, and I pay the Bills around here, and I don't need to consult You, on anything.
What? Are you kidding me? I hope to god you're not married, because you obviously know NOTHING about being equals regardless of who makes the money, or the most money.

All those Years belittling and making Tim look the fool in front of the Kids, of course they're going to pick up on that.
Again, are you kidding me? JILL made TIM look like a fool? I think he did that all on his own, many, many times over. Would you also say Al made Tim look like a fool all of those years on Tool Time? Because apparently Tim isn't to blame at all there.

I'm honestly shocked to see that people don't like Jill. She's one of the most tame wives there are since family comedies started over-using this "immature husband" routine. And out of all those idiot husbands, Tim was THE dumbest, so if anyone had a right to act superior, it was Jill.


Well said kristen. I'm tired of people complaining about Jill all the time here. Jill was a great wife and mother and she and Tim made a terrific couple.


perhaps she just needed a good railing on a regular basis to mellow her out, haha

Christians to the Lions


Well, I happen to like Jill. She's a good mother and wife. Men probably don't like her because she happens to actually be right.


I'm a man and I think Jill is great. I can't believe all the idiots who think she's an awful wife. She's a terrific wife and mother and she and Tim make an awesome couple.


The more I watch the show, the more I am annoyed by Jill. Jill never seems to appreciate the effort Tim puts in to improving the house, and only uses his mistakes against him. I have not seen every episode but one in particular that I remember was when Tim and Jill went to her high school reunion, and Jill and her old friend had a great time recollecting all the mistakes their husbands made. Gee, aren't husbands stupid?! Ha! Ha! Ha!.

I would love to see an episode where Tim finally decides he has had enough of his nagging wife, and says, "Forget it! I am not going to install a security system or any fancy Christmas lights this year. I am just going sit on the couch and get fat drinking fancy cocktails and listening to CDs of Hungarian throat singers. Because that's what Wilson does, and you seem to have more in common with him than me!".

Then Jill reveals that she and Wilson have been schtupping each other. That would be a fun show.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Of course she uses his mistakes against him. Most of the things he does around the house ends up being a failure. They even have to have a number of toasters in their garage because he would break them all the time. He blew up things, he destroyed things. After years of living with a person like that, of course you would get tired. And in that high school reunion episode, the only reason they were talking about their husbands was because him and Tim were trying (and failing miserably) to fix the sound system.


That's because 90% of the time he doesn't improve the house...the title Home Improvement is meant to be ironic.

Unless you think a suped up potato peeler is "improving" the house. Or how about the suped up washing machine and dryer which almost started a fire..

His improvements tend to make Jill's life more difficult.


Actually, sometimes watching Jill and Tim work together, and the real affection and friendship they have for each other, sometimes it's hard to believe they're not really married... and happily married. I think the kids felt it too. In one blooper Jill calls Randy by some other name (a typical mistake when you have multiple kids and especially grandkids) then laughs and says something else funny. JTT yells after her, "it's Randy, Mom." Not scripted, not rehearsed, just an exclamation that probably showed from his heart what he felt for his TV mom.

I love their relationship, accepting that both characters are over-the-top caricatures of a modern (circa 1990) relationship. Tim does really stupid things, Jill does really stupid things, the kids do really stupid things. Al does stupid things. Wilson... well, let's just say he does peculiar things and leave it at that, lol.

And damn it, yes, Jill is hot in certain episodes. I especially love her in the tuxedo in the season one episode with Ernest Borgnine and Jack Elam. IMO she was gorgeous.


Great post indy. I really do love the relationship Tim and Jill have. And the relationship they have with their kids too.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Jill annoyed me too. I think one of the worst things she did was telling her kids they all HAD to go to college. Like that episode when Brad gets a spot on the English soccer team and she tells him he can't do it because he has to go to college. Not everyone is meant to go to college and he did have a good opportunity there.


Jill's character was all part of the liberal indoctrination on TV that started in the 70s. She gave the writers a reason to write left wing ideology into the show as much as possible particularly feminism. I don't think the Christian heterosexual creators necessarily wanted it, but likely the network demanded it. You saw the same themes on most of the shows back then. It was all about progress and changing anything that was old and outdated.


Jill's character was all part of the liberal indoctrination on TV that started in the 70s. She gave the writers a reason to write left wing ideology into the show as much as possible particularly feminism. I don't think the Christian heterosexual creators necessarily wanted it, but likely the network demanded it. You saw the same themes on most of the shows back then. It was all about progress and changing anything that was old and outdated.

As opposed to the conservative indoctrination which is going on right now?


I don't consider her annoying at all. In fact, I think she provided a good balance to Tim's masculinity. Most of the hypocrisy moments you're referring to probably had some mitigating circumstances that made it a bit different when Jill did it or objected to it, the rest can be chalked up to the need to create drama and "conflict" in a sitcom script and shouldn't be taken too seriously. What you view as hypocrisy is probably just sitcom inconsistencies.


Yep. Jill sucked. Most of the TV show wives suck.
