MovieChat Forums > Clarissa Explains It All (1991) Discussion > Dudes, when i think of the golden age of...

Dudes, when i think of the golden age of Nick...up until 1996

after that no thanks.

for me the golden shows were( in no particular order)

You can't do that on television

Pete and Pete

Welcome Freshman


Clarrissa explains it all

Salute your shorts

Hey dude

Wild-n-crazy kids

What would you do?

Old school Double Dare

Ren and Stimpy

All that(the original)

Guts and Global Guts

There is another show where thay have to find stuff in the different rooms...yeah that show.

there are some I know I'm forgetting.

It's Deuteronomy, not do it to me Rodney.


bring back classic nick shows!!!


I remember all of these well.

Clarissa Explains It All
Are You Afriad Of The Dark? (which I only watched once because it was too scary)
The Adventures of Pete & Pete (LOVED the one where they accidentally sold the house)
The Secret World of Alex Mack (my FAVORITE)
All That (I liked the cast up until Danny left)
Hey Dude
Salute Your Shorts
Legends of the Hidden Temple (I would've kicked ass on that show)
Figure It Out
Get The Picture
Inside Out Boy
Roccos Modern Life
Wild and Crazy Kids

I haven't seen mentioned Land of the Lost or Kenan and Kel. Who loves orange soda?

Oh I almost forgot the best show after the golden age was The Wild Thornberries, followed closely by As Told by Ginger.


Inside Out Boy! My friend and I happened to walk past a playground a few weeks ago and we decided to swing. I was going kind of high and I thought uh oh, I don't want to end up like Inside Out Boy.

Anybody remember As The School Bus Turns? And of course, Stick Stickly. I don't think I'll ever forget his address. Write to me, Stick Stickly, p.o. box 963 New York City, New York State 10108. Hey, maybe someone should send Stick Stickly a letter. Maybe he can get the old Nick back ;D

I feel God in this Chili's tonight.


The fat guy from salute your shorts is in a commercial for an energy drink that aired during the superbowl. Every time i see that guy i can't help but reminisce.


god All That was amazing.


I don't wanna read through all the posts to see if this was mentioned, but does anyone remember Space Cases? Nobody remembers it and looks at me like I'm nuts when I ask. With the kids in space? I only remember one girl with multicolored hair.

I miss old school Nick. Nick SUCKS now.


Hey, I think I remember that show you speak of. I remember the theme song was weird. Didn't one of the girls have a bob hairstyle? I remember a bob-hairstyle.


Yeah! The chick with the multicolored hair had a bob. And I don't remember anything about the theme song except that the last line was "spppaaa-AAAAAACCCEEE CAAAASES!!" Haha.


I didnt read through all the posts but did anyone mention AHHHH real monsters I loved that show it was one of my favorite nick toons.


Wow reading these posts brings back so many memories. I was born in '85 and I watched a lot of the classiscs like:
The Adventures of Pete & Pete
The Secret World of Alex Mack
Clarissa Explains It All
All That
Hey Dude
Are you Afraid of the Dark?
Salute Your Shorts
Legends of the Hidden Temple
Wild-n-crazy kids
What Would You Do?
Figure It Out
Kenan & Kel
Double Dare

Ah, the good ole days.


Sorry I just had something against Hey Dude. Other than that I loved the "Golden Age" of Nick. Hidden Temple, Clarissa, GUTS!, Pete and Pete, Salute Your Shorts, it was all good. Now that I look back at these shows I'm thinking to myself....jailbait. Seriously though MJ Hart in Clarissa and Moe from GUTS! I had a huge thing for Moe even as a kid, anyone else or was it just me? I just looked up "Donkey lips" from Salute Your Shorts...still looks the same.



I liked the cartoons, like David the Gnome (he looked like a damn Astro-Pop!), and that cartoon with the koalas, called Blinky and Pinky, or something like that. That and Eureka's Castle.


The Noozles! Two koalas who lived on eucalyptus leaves and came to life when she nuzzled their noses ... and then they opened what seemed like a magic lipstick into a different dimension or something. I Loved These.

Does anyone remember animated versions of famous fairy tales that would air on Nick Jr? I think they were Saban and/or vaguely resembled anime cartoons ... but they had a theme song that would get stuck in my head ...

This thread is making me so nostalgic. Thanks. :)



Early/Mid 90's were the BEST. I really miss these shows. Born in 87.



Born in 1985 here..Anyone remember The Big Orange Couch on Nick? I believe it was on Saturday nights. The only show I can remember on the lineup was Are you Afraid of the Dark..(was anyone ever scared, or at least creeped out by those stories?!) Then, "Nick At Nite" came on with the classic shows.

I think All That was probably the last great show on Nick. I don't know why I loved it, but I was a big fan. My favorite skit was when Lori Beth would answer letters? Does that ring any bells?

And it's been *Foreverr* Let me see if I remember.. Hey Dude was the ranch/hotel set, and Salute Your Shorts was the summer camp? Ugh-Lee, Ugh-Lee!


It's called the-N. Unfortunately, the only "good old days" Nick shows that they currently air is "Kenan & Kel and "All That". The rest are basically the trash of Nickelodeon's current lineup: Unfabulous, Zoey 101, and the Naked Brothers Band. Along with the countless reruns of Degrassi and Instant Star.

They also play the unneccessary reruns of Saved By The Bell, Fresh Prince, and That 70's Show, and you could see all three shows on TBS, your local CW, ABC Family, Nick at Nite, FX, etc.

They used to air Clarissa, Alex Mack, and Pete and Pete back in 2003, though. I wish they would play those again.


I think the golden age of Nick completely ended in 2003 to be honest. That was when the last few good shows on Nick (Taina, Caitilin's Way, Brothers Garcia, Cousin Skeeter) all ended and were replaced with complete trash.




all those shows suck. you have bad taste in tv.

i like these clothes i like this hair, it's not emo it's not anything ¬¬


Actually, i think Nickelodeon was good up until a few of years ago, as 1996 was when " Hey Arnold " started,and " Sabrina the teenage witch " and " Kenan and Kel " also started that year, which i liked, and i also liked " The Amanda show " which started in 1999, and " What i like about you " and " Drake and Josh ", which started around 2003/2004, which were aimed at older people as well as younger people.

The shows Nickelodeon showsthat were on tv before 1996, which i loved, were :

The adventures of Pete and Pete
Sister Sister
Are you afraid of the dark ?
The secret world of Alex Mack
Clarissa explains it all

I also loved " As the school bus turns " and " Inside out boy " which were short slips that were shown !.And i liked the film " Harriet the spy " by Nickelodeon.
