I'll start with saying I'm french, so, my english... erh...
Hm, i agree with the beginning and the end of this thread. First, Schuwawerpserxech's (is it Austrian ?) post ripped my pants in pieces, as it was both very funny and accurate. Neverending 2 has anyway one good point : it pushes you to watch the prequel, sequel, erh whatsoever the other one. I mean, NeverEnding Story 1. Come on, you understood.
And I also totally agree with peterParker, whom side I join against people like raven. Ignoring that Neverending 2 isn't a sequel isn't enough, for me, to make a whole people ignorant. Even americans. And yet, I'm french !
BTW, i ignored that too, so I guess all frenchies are now ignorants. I hope my fellow countrymen will forgive me.
You seem to have a very narrow vision of things over the world, which is sad. Not to insult you, raven, but your post simply deserves silence. Yeah, i understand the paradox of this very post. So...
Clic !
(and PeterParker, as all the other non-Raven363-like, I invite you to join my silence, in all posts, to keep mind opened on interesting ones )
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