A really bad movie

Hey!!! Well I think this movie is just bad. It's made for really young chlidren.
I'm 15 years old. I read the book and i think it is brilliant. I was looking forward to see the movie, but I was very dissapointed. The movie was totally different from the book. I tell you, it's not like they changed two or three things. They changed the entire thing.
Who else, who has readen the book thinks the same way???


It wasn't "really bad movie", it's more mediocre and children orientated movie than the first one. Mostly annoying is to see how all the potential of the book is wasted in this movie. There are more than few problems: First, The movie have less darkness than the first one. Second, the book explains us very nicely the meaning of the loss of memories. Here, you wondering what the point to all that was. Third, even though it's a sequel the atmosphere is completely different. Last, as they said in Screen Rant site: "The book is an ode to the power of imagination, but also a warning not to become lost in fantasy, which is how Bastian takes an evil turn". The film does not convey this ambivalent message.


the fx are cool


the fx are cool


It's only slightly less bad than that shitty third, direct-to-video sequel the Neverending Story had. But you're right. This one sucked too. The trouble is, the first film wasn't that great either, despite the deep message and good world-building it offered.
