I agree, OP. I think what I like most about Curry's Pennywise is that he's clearly having fun with the role, but at the same time, he isn't overdoing it. He's giving it as much drama as it needs without going overboard so that it's perceivably scary. Like, this could really be a creep in a costume, hunting down kids for sport (which is terrifying imo). But he's doing enought that you can believe he's an otherworldly being who's been around so long he's gotten good at wearing a certain level of "normalcy" as a mask.
That's where I think Skarsgård failed. He went too far in every way possible and made it unintentionally silly and comedic. I feel all his scary moments were in his movements and silent action, rather than in the actual performance he gave. I also don't think the directorial choices helped. The makeup, for example, is almost too modern looking. Have you ever seen a 1980s clown? Not Skarsgård's fault, but in contrast to Curry's Pennywise, the Skarsgård version just doesn't compare imo.