MovieChat Forums > Home Alone (1990) Discussion > Does this movie make you wish it was the...

Does this movie make you wish it was the early 1990's all over again?

It does for me because I miss the way life was back in and the way people dressed back in those days.


I also miss how you could easily tell the vehicles apart from each other in a parking lot (something you can't do anymore because they all look alike)


Probably not. Though I was 4 years old in 1990 so, I wouldn't want to be that young again. Though I admit there are some things from around then I miss. Like Crash Dummy toys and ads. Don't feel like trying to find some since they'd be super expensive. Also of course Terminator 2 toys. And Alien Vs. Predator toys. And Cooler more original Lego sets. I miss those days when all Lego sets weren't mainly just things and characters from movies or comics.


Don't know about you, but I spent about ten years in the '90s and it wasn't that great. I'd rather do the '60s again, but without hippies.




The world wasn't as morally corrupt as it is today.


Back then there was a cohesive culture that everyone shared in, now society has been fragmented by Marxists, turning everyone against their fellow man.




Not really.
1. Many of those styles are creeping back into fashion, so it's just a matter of time.
2. Cartoons back then were better, but we can revisit those.
3. The biggest difference is internet and smart phones. It's not hard to step away from smartphones. There's the light phone which is nice for reducing smartphone addiction or distraction.
4. We use the internet for more business and I prefer it to the paper pushing of the 90's
5. Cellular tech has also made it easier to reference policy and technical manuals.
6. Our cars are much better. The cars of the early 90's weren't great. Today, I can drive an SUV and get 25+ to the gallon. Back then, you were lucky to get 18 mpg.

I loved living back then, but Today has its perks. Just wait till 2050 when we pine for the 2020's.


Absolutely no one is going to want to live through the beginning of the 2020s again with the Covid Era, the threat of mass violence, the potential for Civil War, and the rise of facism under a dementia patient for a President.


Yeah, they accused Bush of fascism and incompetence as well. Sure we have covid today, but back then it was all about the CIA stooge Bush and the threat of global warming, acid rain, the hole in the ozone Layer, gang violence, drugs a in the streets, and the upcoming threat of Saddam Hussein.

In news and politics, every year is the the end of America, the end of the world, and the government is going to become fascist.
