MovieChat Forums > Child's Play 2 (1990) Discussion > Andy's an idiot, he could easily have pr...

Andy's an idiot, he could easily have proved to Phil Chucky's alive

Why didn't Andy ask Phil to stab chucky with a knife or set him on fire? There's no way Chucky could fake being a doll through that since he'll either bleed or howling from being burned alive.


I figured since Andy is an 8 year old boy being stalked by a killer doll, his rationale might be a little off lol. I doubt many at that age would think of it.

"They're all dead.....they just don't know it yet." - Eric Draven


In 2 I just always assumed it was because the good guy dolls were so expensive that Phil wouldn't have done it and since Andy never really gets a chance to be near Chucky with Phil around after he knows he's alive he couldn't even pull a fast one and stab him or set the doll on fire. But even as a kid I figured out that I would've set him on fire extremely fast to prove he was alive.
