MovieChat Forums > Arachnophobia (1990) Discussion > when people sleep they accidently swallo...

when people sleep they accidently swallow spiders

sound crazy, but on average 6 or 7 spiders will crawl into your mouth while your sleeping in your entire life!!!

This is because a humans mouth is damp aand moist and warm, so the spiders will naturally crawl into your mouth!

i had to always check that i didnt open my mouth whilst im my bed.......LOL


Actually, this is complete rubbish. It's just another spider myth that has completely no basis in facts. For someone who is asleep to swallow only ONE spider would require way too many totally unlikely occurances to be happening at once. First, you'd have to be laying at such an angle that the spider could naturally enter your mouth with ease, plus at the same time you'd have to have your mouth wide open, and you'd also have to breath in using your mouth at the exact time the spider was entering. As well as this, it would also have to be a wandering spider that for some reason managed to crawl up onto your bed and towards your face. Contrary to common belief, spiders don't move around all that much, and house spiders normally will have travelled no more than four feet in thier entire lifetime. And, finally, I have never found a recorded medical case that reports someone swallowing a spider, or even finding one in their mouth. It's just another urban legend.



It's two spiders a year that people will swallow. Unless you live only 3 years, then you're going to swallow alot more than just 6.


NO. It's NONE. I stated this above.




"We are a thousand times bigger than they are."
Pshaw!!!!!! You're talking about natural spiders. Your psuedo-science hasn't taken into acount radiation and devil worship. Both of these are PROVEN to make spiders much, much, MUCH bigger!
But then again, this whole coversation is stupid! If a person swallowed a spider, they would themselves turn into a spider. Jesus, don't you ever read the bible?


lolololololololololololololololololololololool!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!! lololololololololololololololololololololololololool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're either stupid or unfunny swarnthout.


The way I look at it, the options are win win. If I'm stupid, than I must be funny. And if I'm unfunny, at least I'm smart.




And lets be honest, spiders are very intelligent. I don't think they would be dumb enough to crawl in a persons mouth.


If you're still around props, this was some funny shyt!

...then whoa, differences...



This is just another urban legend. Let's think about this logically. If you're asleep when it happens and you don't know about it, how does it get reported? How does anybody know when/how many spiders go inside their mouths if they're asleep at the time. Do you think that there is a team of scientists that just watch people sleep every day and count the number of times a spider goes down their throat? Why do people have to believe everything they hear?


I stayed awake last night and counted the number of spiders I swallowed while I was asleep. I didn't see any spiders entering my mouth. Then again, I can't see my mouth; my nose was blocking the view. I thought I'd get a mirror but it was hard to sleep holding a mirror in front of my face, with the lights on. I wanted to put out the lights but then I wouldn't see the spiders. Tricky. It was also hard to stay awake and be sleeping at the same time. I actually snoozed off a while and dropped the mirror in my mouth, which I happened to swallow.
Will I turn to a mirror now? I'm worried as hell.


My friend has had a spider scurry out of his mouth, and I have actually had a spider almost jump into mine (I woke up with the little bastard on my chin and tortured him (did you know spiders can crawl out of a glass of water? I didn't, then I found out they can't escape soapy water). So yes, we do swallow spiders at night, because they are not as intimidated when we are not moving, or making noise, and have our bodies covered and dark. They just see a warm, dark, moist cave, and jump in, then we breath them down (it's hard to escape because it's slippery. It doesn't require a perfect angle, and most people have their mouth open when they sleep, even if they breath through their noses, when the muscles relax, your mouth usually hangs open.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!


Most people are sensitive though. Test them. If you take a little piece of thread and glide it across their face while theyre sleeping, see their reaction. haha...Ive done this to my sister before and she would brush the area with her hand.


A good rule of them for stuff like this: "Believe none of what you here and half of what you see."

Another good rule of thumb: Read and watch Mythbusters.


I stayed awake last night and counted the number of spiders I swallowed while I was asleep. I didn't see any spiders entering my mouth. Then again, I can't see my mouth; my nose was blocking the view. I thought I'd get a mirror but it was hard to sleep holding a mirror in front of my face, with the lights on. I wanted to put out the lights but then I wouldn't see the spiders. Tricky. It was also hard to stay awake and be sleeping at the same time. I actually snoozed off a while and dropped the mirror in my mouth, which I happened to swallow.
Will I turn to a mirror now? I'm worried as hell.

You, man are the definition of humor!


"I stayed awake last night and counted the number of spiders I swallowed while I was asleep."




Thats probably because they dont really swallow birdspiders but really small types...


a spider can crawl into your mouth at any angle with ease its how they are built


and spiders are too scared to get near you even when youre asleep


Once I woke up with a big spider facing me on my pillow, I'm sure he was heading for my mouth!


I don't know where you live, but here we have black ones with white spots that jump, and they will chase you down, so they can't be that scared.

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.


You also forgot to mention the plausibility (or lack thereof) in not waking up to feel the spider on you in the first place.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I have an interesting statistic too:

100% of morons on the internet believe stupid urban legends.


i couldnt agree more



It must be true. I crapped out a spider two days ago! LOL!!!!!!!!


LMFAO... "the whole, if u eat a spider ud turn into it according to the bible" LMFAOOOOO MY LIFe!!!! hahahahahah just made my day... more like my month ... ANYWAYS...just to say sumthing... its not so much that a spider would crawl into ur mouth... its like, theyd b in a web while ur sleeping on ur back (sum people do i dont... i sleep on my side/face) and it could b in a web hanging from ur roof then all the sudden it randomly falls (drunken idiot spider, had a few to many b4 returning home) INTO UR MOUTH AND thusss ensuses the bible theory!!!! better get sum ducktape!!!!!!!!!


Humans aren't naturally afraid of anything. There is nothing in our genetic alleles that causes all humans to be born afraid of a certain thing. Fears are driven into our mind by our upbringing and environment.



Untrue...we are born with 2 natural fears. Falling and loud noises.


This rumor since I heard it has freaked me out a little but whatever


100% of morons on the internet believe stupid urban legends.
LOOOOL, laughing my head off


I eat Spiders for breakfast! crunchy yet soft



Man i want u all to listen

say u do eat a spider its not going to kill you or anything its not like a big *beep* trantraual or how ever the *beep* you spell it is going to walts into your mouth, the biggest spider u probly have in ur house is a daddy long leg and i dont think that the little legs and body could actually hurt u, if u do see one walking towads ur mouth just let it and eat it teach it a lesson. plus u get a free extremly small meal.



If this is true or not, who cares? More protein for me.


yeah, i've been hearing about this one for years. the truth is, there is NO way to acquire these statistics. how on earth are you supposed to get these figures? you would have to observe test subjects in their natural sleeping environments for years. plus, if you adhere to the idea that the spiders in question are very small, how are the people conducting the research supposed to get close enough to see them? there's just too many flimsy variables to give this any validity

"Get away. You get paid to shoot me, not look at me."
-The Long Walk




i keep seeing big house spiders in my room, seriously i hate them, they're huge and i kill them every time, ive killed about 5 so far but they KEEP COMING BACK.

I mean wtf!? if ive swallowed one of those beasts...uggghhh

horrible thought.



You always see lots of spiders around October-November time for some reason. I have seen a dozen or so recently. I really cant stand them but I find it hard to believe they would crawl into your mouth. I mean the slightest movement towards them and they scurry for cover. They are scared of us big time.


"You shouldnt kill the spideys, they keep the fly population down and eat other beasties in your house. Also they are scared of humans so they wont come near you."

Oh, BULLSH!T. If I see a spider, it's judgement day for that little prick. I don't care what they do, eat flys, cure diseases, find my fuc kin' car keys, I don't care. I'm going to kill them if I see them. I'd rather have flies than spiders.

And the last thing of what you said (scared of humans and won't come near you) is completely untrue. I've had spiders crawl onto me dozens of times and stay there! What do you call that? A freak accident???

Fu cking spiders.........

"You come back in here, I'll hit you with so many rights you'll be begging for a left."



I heard in the news, some months ago, that a spider entered a woman's ear. The spider then didn't move, so she had to go to the doctor to take this small spider out.


yeh i herd that woz tru. my frend had a woodlouse crawl into her ear whilst she was sleeping and she has to have it removed at the doctors. twas very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the sweet is never as sweet without the sour



Ive never ever heard of anyone ever waking up with a spider in their mouth, never read about it on the net never heard it around the pub, if we swallow even one a year, out of 60 million people in Britain you'd think at least one of them would tell their friends and the news would spread.



It's complete bull. Scientists and entomologists will tell you that spiders, whether you believe it or not (I am one of thos who falls under the "not" category, but oh well) are more frightened of us than we are of them. Forget having to sleep with your mouth open, forget having to sleep at the right angle, the simple fact is a spider's hearing is so much more enhanced than a human's that even the shallowest of breaths would scare it, so it would not go near the mouth of some snoring idiot.

Member of the Stop Heath Ledger Before He Gets His Talentless Mits On The Role Of the Joker Society



True. But if you live in a jungle the spiders are so big they're probably a good source of protein. Chances ar you'd willingly eat 'em.

Member of the Stop Heath Ledger Before He Gets His Talentless Mits On The Role Of the Joker Society


This is because a humans mouth is damp aand moist and warm, so the spiders will naturally crawl into your mouth!

Thats why you have to sleep with underpants. Theres a one or two places there (depending on gender) where the spider can go hide ;D


Can't comment on the swallowing thing... but to all those who say no spider will ever go near a human being: Absolute rubbish! Many times I've had them crawling through the hairs on my arms or crawling along my fingers.

Not long ago I woke up in the morning after quite a good night's sleep and there was a kind of tickling on my face. Thinking it was just a hair I reached up to pluck it off and saw a fat spider between my thumb and first finger with its legs wriggling. I let out a cry of disgust and dropped it on the floor at the side of the bed. I'm unable to walk, so if things decide to crawl over me in the middle of the night, I basically have to just lie there and take it.

I've had ants scurrying over my prone body before, but the spider crawling across my face freaked me out more - even though I'm generally not scared of them when I see them on a wall, etc.

ATTENTION all IMDB users... "Testicles!" That is all.


this 'spider eating' phenomenon is probably the one dumbest superstition that almost everyone knows - at least everyone has to mention it to me at least once when they hear about my arachnophobia. one person even tried to persuade me that we eat at least a spider a night. that was one hell of a laugh


I dont believe people would "eat" spiders... like surely you would choke if it went down your throat?

Anyway, I always keep my mouth shut, so no spider can get in me! Unless it uses its 8 legs to pull my lips open, smash a tooth and squeeze in...

But, you might eat 8 spiders in your lifetime if you visit South America quite a few times and let the locals feed you their delicacies... yum yum!


I eat at least a spider a night, not sure how many I eat while I'm sleeping though.
