MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > staring at the breasts of a 15 year old ...

staring at the breasts of a 15 year old girl????

season 4, episode 15 'the shoes', Jerry pervs at a 15 year old girl's cleavage and pokes George, who gets caught. 'get a good look'? he is asked.

Please explain how this was ever appropriate to put in a comedy?

They could have easily chosen an 18 year old girl...but they chose FIFTEEN!

Sorry, but that's pedoish.

Which might explain why Jerry Seinfeld was dating a school girl for a while.


Just like you are outraged that people in 1992 were staring at 15 yearold girl's breasts, people in 1992 would be rightfully outraged that people today believe there are 78 genders and that teachers would be talking to 6 yearolds about homosexuality in school.


They should get back to unbreaking their own sex before fretting over a show from an Era when sex worked. :D


Her breasts were magnificent though, it'd be a bigger crime to not stare at them.


He was arrested for possessing pornography. That article was in 2016. Wheres the NSA when you need them?


Denise was 22 though.
